Friday, July 18, 2008

Former actor/garbage man to replace Lafayette

The Queens Machine has chosen the perfect candidate! And thanks for giving me lots of fresh material...

Den Dekker--in addition to having a string of acting credits--has been close with county leaders in the past and served as an occasional driver to the late Queens County Democratic Leader Tom Manton.

Den Dekker Replacing Lafayette on Ballot

Here's his outdated acting bio. He's also married to the woman who penned this letter.


Anonymous said...

Den Dekker is a replicant!!

Anonymous said...

he's got my vote !

Anonymous said...

I too have been in some movies and that Web site is for an acting bio, head shots, etc. Not for a political bio.

I know politians are actors (mostly bad actors), but again that is not what that web site is for.

Anonymous said...

In describing Den Dekker, in addition to being a former actor and garbage man he was also Marge Markey's retarded asswipe gofer boy.

Anonymous said...

His resume looks like it's been pumped up like a baaloon ready to burst! What did he do for the 34 years before becoming super-garbage man? And who did he sleep with to get to be king of trash after 5 years on the job? I know a few guys who have been working for NYC Sanitation for years and only have gotten small promotions. It'd not what you know, it's what you know about who!

Anonymous said...

Um, Queens, this is going to be your representative:

Extremely familiar with Police Procedures, Court Room Procedures, Fire Procedures, Emergency Management, Press Person, Public Relations, Sanitation Operations including snow removal, Security, CPR Technician, Two-way Radio Operation, Computers, Truck Driver, Tow-Truck Driver, Ambulance Driver, Fork-lift Operator, Bartender, Waiter, Maitre d’, Golf, Baseball, Softball, Basketball, Tennis, Bowling, Horseback Riding, Motorcycle Riding, Automotive Technology, Snowmobiling, Boating, Business Law, Business Management, Speech, Drama, Media and Communication.

Anonymous said...

Yet another example of the caliber of people running the machine.

Yet another example of the contempt the machine has for the people of Queens.

Anonymous said...

Just like the USSR.

They PRETEND to be politicans and we PRETEND they provide useful government.

Anonymous said...

This is a heavily immigrant district.

Funny they would selection a joke like this.

Isn't the machine going to support an immigrant?

A real gap between myth and reality, eh?

Anonymous said...

Den Dekker is a COMPLETE joke. He'll embarrass the party straight away. The fact that Joe Crowley would select this no talent hack shows the arrogance of the Queens Machine and what they really think of Queens neighborhoods.

This should be a wake up call for anyone who believes that Queens deserves good government for a change.

Anonymous said...

"Um, Queens, this is going to be your representative"

Jack of all trades, master of none?

Anonymous said...

Crowley does not want to pick someone who will serve the community hew wants someone he can control

Anonymous said...

The problem for Joseph Crowley is that there's no real talent left in his organization. Not that there was anything before but it's actually getting much worse.

Crowley is overseeing a crumbling regime because he lacks the necessary leadership and creativity.

The "appointment" of Den Dekker is symbolic of how far the Queens Dems have fallen.

Anonymous said...

The problem for Joseph Crowley is that there's no real talent left in his organization.

The advantage to Jo Crowley is the organization has destroyed Queens to the point that most opposition has moved away and what is left, are non-civic engaging immigrants, seniors out to lunch, and a vast segment of disengaged passive voters and taxpayers.

The preservation community has no desire to educate them (why wake up a sleeping giant when most of their share of the pie goes elsewhere?)

So he has nothing to worry about - for a while at least.

Anonymous said...

Den Dekker has a lot of skeletons in his closet.

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