Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Como slapped by DOB - again

Congratulations Anthony Como!

What was it this time? Oh, endangering the health and safety of workers and your neighbors. Is that all?

At this rate you'll have that house finished by the time you are term limited out of office...


Anonymous said...

A true replacement for the previous lawbreaker.

Way to go, Como. Show people from the start that you don't need no stinkin' rules.

Let everyone know that you're not idle. That you can break the law just like the worst of them!

Anonymous said...

A lawbreaker replaces a rapist for
a seat on the city council....

Welcome to shitty city!

Anonymous said...

you guys do know that anyone can phone in a complaint - and we do have a wacky concept in this country - something along the lines of "guilty until proven innocent"?

Anonymous said...

"guilty until proven innocent" Yes, but he was proven guilty by the inspectors that gave him the violation and stop work order. Which, by the way, he is already violating by still doing contruction this morning even with the stop work order on his property.

Anonymous said...

Not only did the inspector observe the condition, but he did so 4 days after it was called in, which means the site was hazardous for a long time.

Anonymous said...

Not to worry 'cause Don Como has the fix in with the mobbed-up DOB !

What a fat faced stronzzo!

Anonymous said...

Anthony Como just doesn't get it. The guy is a complete hack, so out of touch that he can't even handle simple problems.

It appears that Liz Crowley may be CD30's best choice between dumb and dumber.

Anonymous said...

"guilty until proven innocent" Yes, but he was proven guilty by the inspectors that gave him the violation and stop work order."

So by the same logic one is gulity of speeding because the cop gave you a ticket for speeding? So why do we have administrative law judges to make those determinations?

Anonymous said...

He was given the violation upon inspection of his property. The inspectors saw an unsafe construction site and reported it as such. I don't understand why you would still think he is innocent.

Anonymous said...

There should be an investigation into Como's activities and his connections with the Barosa crowd.

Ridgewoodian said...

ANONYMOUS: It appears that Liz Crowley may be CD30's best choice between dumb and dumber.

Naw, bring back Charlie Ober!

Anonymous said...

Charles Ober is in no way dumb.

Anonymous said...

As a homeowner, Como hired a contractor who is responsible for overseeing the project. While the property owner is ultimately responsible, the contractor was at fault for the site conditions.

Como -like him or not (and I do not)- is not really to blame for this.

Believe me, Como will do enough stupid things as a councilmember to be called to task but this is not one of those times.

Anonymous said...

The contractor is his Father-in-law. Como is there everyday with full hands on with everything that is being done.

Ridgewoodian said...

ANONYMOUS: Charles Ober is in no way dumb.

I wasn't being ironic. I was one of that proud 700 that voted for him. Bring the man back!

Anonymous said...

Leave Anthony Como alone you bullies!

Anonymous said...

"Leave Anthony Como alone" Can you actually defend what he is doing? Let's hear how what he is doing is all right and good.

Anonymous said...

"As a homeowner, Como hired a contractor who is responsible for overseeing the project. While the property owner is ultimately responsible, the contractor was at fault for the site conditions.

Como -like him or not (and I do not)- is not really to blame for this.

Believe me, Como will do enough stupid things as a councilmember to be called to task but this is not one of those times."

He's now an elected official. He was frequently warned on the violations of his property. He's entirely responsible for every brick and nail on that property.

People capable of thinking should wonder how someone who is campaigning for re-election would try these violations.

If he can't manage the construction of a monstrous MacMansion, what's he doing with my tax money? Who owns this moron?

Frank Lloyd Crap said...

Anthony, I TOLD YOU A HUNDRED TIMES not to put too many bricks on the scaffold! Dammit!

Anonymous said...

Interesting tidbit - Como's new Chief of Staff used to be Katz's Spoksman. Hmm.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, meant Spokesman.

Gallagher - Katz - Maltese

Como - Katz - Maltese

Any Democrats in the House?

Anonymous said...

Wah wah wah, his house will be bigger and nicer than mine, wah wah wah . . . You are all so off the mark with this. Other than a few neighborhood cranks, people in Middle Village are not bothered by this. In reality, people like seeing the houses in the neighborhood made nicer. This complaining is the main reason I didn't vote for Ognibene in the recent election.

Anonymous said...

His house is bigger and nicer than whose? It's an oversized unfinished eyesore and has been for over a year. If you like this kind of building, then you are gonna get exactly what you deserve from the Como administration.

Anonymous said...

Serph please let me wipe your butt. Anthony please lift your head so I can clean underneath your neck fat.

Anonymous said...

Como deserves to lose in November...Go Dizzy Lizzy!

Anonymous said...

In case his neighbors don't Know this, you can call the police if he is violating the Stop Work Order. YOU MAY HAVE TO ALSO INFORM THE OFFICERS THAT YES THAT IS WHAT THEY SHOULD DO.

Anonymous said...

311 was call, they came and gave him another violation, but in true Como style, they were out there again yesterday working a full day in violation of the law.

Anonymous said...

Isn't this being a litttle hypocritical. You know people in glass houses, right Bob. Why wasn't DOB allowed down your basement. Don't complain about DOB if you won't let them do their job.

Queens Crapper said...

Next time you see work being done on that house, please send me an e-mail immediately.


Anonymous said...

"Isn't this being a litttle hypocritical. You know people in glass houses, right Bob. Why wasn't DOB allowed down your basement. Don't complain about DOB if you won't let them do their job."

Bob didn't comment.

No one has complained about DOB here. The complaints are all about Como, and his persistent lawbreaking.

In this case, DOB actually did its job. It responded (4 days late) to a neighbor's (was that Gallagher?) complaint. DOB observed, saw the violations and issued the Stop Work Order - which didn't deter the persistent violator. He resumed work with the SWO still in effect.

In other words, he gave the community the finger while he said: "FUCK YOU!!".

All to be expected from a persistent violator who needs your vote.

Anonymous said...

Just what we need, another person allowing his contractor to do what he wants even with a SWO in effect. And he's replacing a guy who couldn't keep his pants on. What a system!

Anonymous said...

Como has his people out there again this morning. Now that he is elected I guess he doesn't care what happens.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should call DOB on Gallager, and all you hypocrits and see if you will appreciate the invasion of privacy. And its not Mr. Como who is in non-compliance of the Building Code here, its the Contractor, and hey how come they were not slapped without working with a permit, apparently the job was filed, but the scafflod had no guardrails, a minor item.

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