Monday, July 14, 2008

Cleaning up the Creek

Lawmakers want feds to declare Newtown Creek a Superfund site
By Helen Kennedy
Daily News Staff Writer

New York lawmakers asked the feds Sunday to help clean up Newtown Creek, the estuary that runs between Queens and Brooklyn, by declaring it a Superfund site.

The waterway, long a dumping ground for industrial and domestic waste, is one of America's most polluted places.

As many as 30million gallons of oil have been spilled there over the years.

Democratic Reps. Anthony Weiner and Nydia Velazquez, whose districts encompass the filthy creek, said a Superfund designation would start the slow flow of up to $15 million in federal cleanup funds.

They want the Environmental Protection Agency to start testing the waters immediately.

A Superfund designation would start a cleanup process that would take a decade, the lawmakers said.

"The contamination of Newtown Creek is nothing short of a human tragedy," Velazquez said. "The time to act is now."

Video from Miss Heather.


Anonymous said...

Good show to Velazquez and Weiner.
Its a shame that more people that comment on this blog are not complimenting them. Is it because your biases are firmly intact already?

Truman Harris said...

Maybe because "show" is all it's for.

Anonymous said...

Why would we be expected to compliment people for doing what they're expected to do?

Anonymous said...

It's a shame that Lydon Sleeper has enough time on his hands to comment anonymously on a blog.

Queens Crapper said...

Good for Anthony. Now when will the schnozz take a position on the Ridgewood Reservoir? Or does he have donors from the artificial turf industry?

Anonymous said...

Even if he single handidly saved the Ridewood Reservoir you would still bash him.
Velazquez and Weiner just did one more thing that your favorite cronies would never do.
You can rip them apart all you want but everyone knows (especially the kind of guys that you people vote for)that the joke is and always has been on the xenophoebes of district 30. (look it up)

Queens Crapper said...

If I lived in CD30, I might be insulted by that. Furthermore, Anthony represents voters outside CD30 who visit here, and no one from those areas seems to think this is worth a pat on the back either.

Anonymous said...

You would think that by now Nydia would have a better command of the English language.

Anonymous said...

I live in Glendale which is part of District 30 and Anthony Weiner is my congressman.
I dont understand what you are talking about Mr. Crapper.

Queens Crapper said...

Anthony Weiner represents the 9th congressional district which includes Council District 30, but is not limited to it. Please don't tell me you don't understand that concept.

Anonymous said...

I just did not understand the context you were using. Now I do.

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