Thursday, April 3, 2008

Star Building bites the dust

Another landmark worthy Queens building razed!

You're looking at what used to be the site of the "Star" which was located in LIC just a block from Queens Plaza.

Later on the newspaper became the "Long Island Star Journal".

Was this on LPC's "famous" Queens survey list? I doubt it!

I snapped this on 3/31/08.....

- Jerry Rotondi


Anonymous said...

thank god. more condos. i was afraid they might put something useful there...

Anonymous said...

I started photography in 1953 then
living in a happy Queensbridge houses
we of course back then did not know we were outcasted in the neighborhood
as"welfare" well we had "the commie witchhunt on then.In any event the
Long Island Star Journal was our paper it informed us twice(falsely)
that my older Brother died in the Korean war as an enlisted G.I.
I actually went their often with
undeveloped film of my news story
taken on local streets,still have those negatives,Yes I went to PS#1.
Now a museum.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Jerry, on assignment in someone else's neighborhood?

How much ya gettin paid?

Oh, its a secret!

Anonymous said...

Well, Bob (isn't it?)....
I'm sorry, I didn't know
I had to have you stamp my passport to have the right to enter LIC.

I was on my way to the
St. Saviour's press conference
that morning.

That's where the Q39 used to stop.

No charge for the photos.
I was just doing my civic duty.

By the way, I didn't see you
at that press event?

Was it too far for you to travel in the rain from nearby Astoria ?

It wasn't for me....
coming all the way from northeast
Flushing by public transportation!

See you next time though, I'm sure.

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