Saturday, April 26, 2008

Helen confused on Willets Point

Queens Borough President Helen Marshall led a rally this week in favor of developing Willets Point:

"It's going to turn a place that is really been deserted practically, except for very crude kind of business enterprises, automobile-related and such,” said Queens Borough President Helen Marshall. “And we are going to turn in into a livable, wonderful community where people live."

But there was this in the Gazette:

Queens Borough President Helen Marshall, who had been a strong advocate of the $3 billion plan, said last Friday after seeing emerging alternate plans: "I am very disappointed with any alternate plan that does not include a convention center."

How can you rally in favor of something when you know there's a good chance that you'll be disappointed with it?


Anonymous said...

How can you rally in favor of something when you know there's a good chance that you'll be disappointed with it?

Because your handlers in the machine are not sure what they want so they send you mixed signals and you clueless go around in circles until they come to a consensus (read someone emerges with a nice donation that focuses their attention)

Anonymous said...

people are earning their livelyhoods from these "crude enterprises." So where does she come off saying something like this? Does she think blue collar workers are unimportant and expendable?!

Anonymous said...

What a maroon...

"It's going to turn a place that is really been deserted practically, except for very crude kind of business enterprises, automobile-related and such"

That's because the city has refused to pave the streets or install sewers. Auto parts shops are not known for neatness and Helen, now and again you may hear an off color phrase.

Too bad she had to soil her Manolos. Wear sneaks next time.

What an elitist, Antoinettesque thing to say.

Anonymous said...

Not sure if I follow. She is in favor of developing Willets Point. However she is disappointed that it does not include a convention center.

Nothing to see here folks. Move along.

Anonymous said...

A convention center for WHAT? Are there not enough places in this city for conventions already? Why are pols so obsessed with convention centers?

Anonymous said...

Why are pols so obsessed with convention centers?

Because of little things like cement, lots of cushy union jobs, tweeder themed events (China, Latin America, India, et al)

Makes perfect sense as far as I can see...

Anonymous said...

“And we are going to turn in into a livable, wonderful community where people live."

in a convention center?

what a true fucking visionary. *yawn*

save it pork-fried.

Anonymous said...

never ceases to amaze me how QC can have such a diverse thoughtful range of topics and perspectives, and the comments section never ceases to amaze with its moronic hateful half-informed (at best) typographical diarhea. get busy livin or get busy dyin

Anonymous said...

Kind of how I feel about Queens' place in New York City.

Anonymous said...

Typical Bloomberg arrogance, they don't even bother to keep their only major supporter informed.

I'm still waiting to hear from any media outlet how many people attended the "rally" at city hall.

I suspect the turnout was extremely low and news of it was driven by Bloombergs PR flunkies.

Anonymous said...

"Does she think blue collar workers are unimportant and expendable?!"

Ken, you have it exactly correct. The people who work in Willets Point have barbecues and drink beer.

They never have pinky drinking teas at the museum with the "finer" people.

So, the Commissariat says, screw 'em all.

Anonymous said...

If anyone can find a brain
under Helen's Cuckoo's nest hairdo
please be my guest!

Of course she hates "blue collars".

She's been promoted
from "field slave"to "house slave" for her developer pals in the great
NYC real estate plantation house!

Anonymous said...

This beep/bitch ain't dumb at all.

She can dance to more
developers' tunes than Bojangles.

Now that's real "talent"!

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