Tuesday, March 18, 2008

We don't need no stinkin' permits!

Here's an interesting way to build a piece of Queens Crap. Or should I say not build one. This building at 82-17 Astoria Blvd has been shut down since 10/13/07. Not one, not two, but three stop work orders for building without a permit as well as 35 complaints.


Anonymous said...

This is ASS-toria....the bung hole of Queens
as far as CB#1 (the community board from hell)
is concerned !

Anonymous said...

Vallone should spend some time addressing these real problems.

Perhaps if someone jumps off the roof it will get his attention.

Anonymous said...

OK, this is an honest ignorant question. Am I wrong in thinking that the triangular shaped piles of cinderblocks on top, held together only by mortar, just look like they await a stiff breeze to plop them through the roof of the venerable citizen on the left? If it LOOKS dangerous to a member of the public, shouldn't some effort be made by the City to address the issue? No permit? Why isn't the City in court getting an injunction to remove the wrongfully constructed building?

Anonymous said...

Instead of letting this owner legalize the piece of crap, they should make him take it down. Now, I would say that is a real deterrent to the next guy. Don't you think! Enough already of this bullcrap.

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