Thursday, March 6, 2008

City Planning Evasive

To The Editor (Queens Gazette):

Over 100 concerned people attended the February 19 meeting of the Auburndale Improvement Association, Inc. The main topic of discussion for the evening was the need for contextual rezoning for communities not yet rezoned, including Auburndale.

Although we tried to pin down the invited City Planning representatives as to what time frame we were looking at for the rezoning of Auburndale and other communities, we could not get a commitment from them, just more generalities and excuses. Our organization will continue to press Mayor Michael Bloomberg, City Planning Commissioner Amanda Burden, Queens Director of City Planning John Young and Borough President Helen Marshall to rezone Auburndale. We will not stop until that process is successfully completed.

The rest of the letter is here.

Henry Euler
Zoning and Housing Chair
Auburndale Improvement
Association, Inc.

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