Monday, February 4, 2008

The smoking slide

Behold the Parks Department's plan to "destroy the existing ecological habitat in basin 3" (their words that are written on the slide, not mine) of the Ridgewood Reservoir. Looks like they're also throwing some artificial turf into basin 1 for good measure. Nice job.


David M. Quintana said...

I understand that Parks Commissioner Dottie Lewandowski was puzzled and wanted to know where the Ridgewood Reservoir Education & Preservation Project (RREPP, Inc) got the idea of cricket fields being installed at the Reservoir...Maybe if she took the time to read her own maps, reports and handouts she might be better informed as to her own department's plans...or could it be that she was purposely trying to mislead the public...I'll let you decide..

Anonymous said...

maybe the city can sprinkle some asbestos on the astroturf, too, increasing the health risk to the public and creating a look of freshly fallen snow.

Anonymous said...

By God !
Benepe must have cornered the market on
astro turf and has got warehouses
overstocked with the crap that he's got to unload!

That's why it's always being shoved up our asses
in every park redux throughout the city!

Whats wrong with REAL GRASS commisioner
(where it rightfully belongs that is) ?

You don't have to inhale this kind Adrian
or worry that you might be accused
of having been a user
(although many times it seems as though you are)!

David M. Quintana said...

Hey Ken...If you saw all the salt which is stored at the park - others have commented that the parking lot already looks like a skating rink...

Check my blog for the pics..

uwriterich said...

If a soccer field is in the making, why couldn't it be put in upper highland by the Jackie Robinson Parkway. There is a place there near a broken-down brick structure (band-shell?) (concessions stand?) that could accomodate a soccer field with only six trees cut down, and very little land manipulation.

Anonymous said...

went to Ozone blog but was unable to locate park pics. :(

parnell said...

It's very sad that our taxpayer dollars are being spent developing these plans while we are told nothing is decided, and we citizens are reduced to viewing leaked copies smuggled out as if we are dissidents living in Romania under Ceausescu circa 1981.

And then the deputy commissioner demands to know who leaked the information...

Queens Crapper said...

Here, Ken:

Ridgewood Reservoir tour

Anonymous said...

thanks for the link.
That rock salt sure does look like snow. Good I didn't go on the tour. I might've tried making a snowball, to chuck at some park official.

Anonymous said...

Rich is on the right track - why not rehab Highland Park - which was rundown in the 1960's when I used to play ball there. Why is it better to spend many millions destroying a unique environment when the park we already have can be utilized to its fullest?

Anonymous said...

Here's an article from the Daily News about it: Thompson walks Ridgewood Reservoir

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