Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Overdevelopment of Cresthaven site

The last 6 acres of the former Cresthaven Country Club in Whitestone are back on the selling block.

The club, known in its heyday as one of Queens' premier sites for weddings, dances and other social functions, closed in 1989. In 2000, about 16 acres of the 22-acre site were sold to a developer that built 110 luxury homes on the site. In 2006, the remaining 6 acres were sold to Whitestone Jewels LLC.

Historic site for sale in Whitestone

Now, Eastern Consolidated, a New York real-estate investment firm, has been retained by Whitestone Jewels as the agent in the sale of the site between Powells Cove Blvd., 150th St. and Sixth Ave. Time and the cost involved with installing sewers for the development were the prime reasons for putting it back on the market, said Azita Aghravi, a senior director with Eastern Consolidated.

Plans are on hand to build 55 homes, ranging in size from 2,500 square feet to 2,915 square feet. Whitestone Jewels has demolished two homes on the site and removed 300 trees.

City approval for the construction of sidewalks and a new road with a cul-de-sac have been secured.

A fence and gate were built around the perimeter of the property, which was conceived as a gated community.


Anonymous said...

Soon to be renamed Craphaven.

Anonymous said...

While Manhattanites and Brooklynites are campaigning hard to ring their shorelines with parks, our borough's shorelines are becoming ringed with crappy tract houses.

Anonymous said...

Didn't somebody (?) once hear ("daddy" Mattone?)
once say something like (?) ,
"......the senator (Stavisky?) will do what he's told....."
regarding this over development (?) ,
or could this just be an unsubstantiated rumor ???

Anonymous said...

Once again ,
didn't the Catholic Church
(I don't know which is the appropriate verb to use)
(so pardon me) stick it to us ?

Anonymous said...

I grew up right near there and was even a camp counsellor in the early 80s at Cresthaven. The place loks like giant row houses and is perhaps the ugliest alleged luxury development i have ever seen. The infrastructured was not designed to accommodate these starter castles and their accompanying Hummer or Escalade-driving inhabitants. Please help us save Whitestone.

Anonymous said...

I hate to sound like a pessimist but our local officials have failed in their ability to preserve the quality of life in northeast queens. I also blame most of the residents who remodel their houses to look like "Italian villas" or "Greek temples". They know these homes look way out of character and don't have a care in the world what anyone else thinks or feels. Its not going to get any better unfortunately. Queens is done for in terms of quality of life and we can all share the blame. Upstate is the way to go these days.

Connie R said...

"vicino al mare ci รจ un mucchio di merda" It just sounds better in italian.

Connie R said...

I forgot the translation, sorry.

"by the sea, there's a pile of crap"

Anonymous said...

Wilfred Dalton told us how they built Mitchell Linden to bust up our Republican base.

Anonymous said...

The part near the armory was supposed to be low to mid income senior apartments with area residents getting first crack apts. That was part of the orignal deal. I guess if you wait long enough no one cares anymore. Was a beautiful place and great place to work at.

Anonymous said...

Salt water pools love them

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