Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Concrete contractors to be licensed

Spurred by the deaths of two construction workers in less than two months, the city buildings commissioner called Monday for legislation to license concrete contractors.

"The construction industry in general and concrete operations in particular need more regulation," Commissioner Patricia Lancaster told a City Council hearing on building safety.

Buildings commish calls for legislation to license concrete contractors

Lancaster cited a concrete worker killed at the Trump hotel-condominium in Spring St. in SoHo on Jan. 14 and Wednesday's death of a concrete worker in a fall from a building on Clinton Ave. in Fort Greene, Brooklyn.

With the number of accidents at high-rise buildings growing faster than the number of construction sites, the Buildings Department has come under increasing fire to track problem contractors and hold them responsible.

Under Lancaster's proposal, both general contractors and concrete contractors would be required to register with the Buildings Department and to pay any fines before their registration would be renewed.


Anonymous said...

Sure, another regulation that, because it involves the construction industry, will be ignored.

How about all those underground rumors that construction fatalities are being greatly under reported, particularly if illegal immigrants are the victoms.

The new 'Disappeared' and if you are from Latin America you know exactly what I am saying.

Anonymous said...

Better watch your step Pat.

I'd be wary about taking on those concrete guys.

You could may wind up
in cement overshoes (or high heels) !

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