Monday, January 28, 2008

Pedicabbers win in court

Court Strikes Down Pedicab Licensing Plan


Take that, Christine Quinn!


Anonymous said...

Hey My fellow Craolings,Greetings!

I would just like to say one thing about these trickcryles that ride oround the streets filled with cabs trucks city drivers and buses without any protection, less then a motorcycle,like fruit flyes swaming over a bad shippment of veggies...whew!

1)....>> no mater what any flea hugger says and, these are them riding and operating(lol) them...doh folks these add a great deal pollution , even more then the polications, ( that a lot )do ! to our city, these cause traffic to hold up and idel , thus adding more bad stuff to the air,, and thats it in a nut shell, and bloomie is a nut saying this and that , when he wants us to breath better, he can and should stop them. I can count to many times driving up or down ave's and streets, then being stopped in traffic for 2 or 3 blocks only to get to the cause which is a few of these guys doing circles in a traffic lane and blocking the flow, then once you pass it its all fine and ciyt like....

one other thing mark my post someone is gonna get killed one day soon on them...

a side bar....I noticed that all the friut like to ride them and watch the operaters but go up and down while peddling! fun stuff huh? No? Big H.

Anonymous said...

these rickshaws degrade the dignity of those who operate them, turning them into draft animals. I forsee the day when the snobs who ride in them will take to whipping the "beasts of burden," in addition to putting blinders on them and housing them in stables.

Anonymous said...

No one's forcing them to do it, Ken.

Anonymous said...

I guess people who use their own elbow grease to make a living should be taxed and regulated of existence.

Anonymous said...

you've got a point there.

Anonymous said...

The rickshaws - that's what they are, let face it, serves a purpose and folks operating them earn a living.

My beef is how they operate them especially if I am driving along side or in back of them. I don't want to see a license scheme that shut's out these fols rather see them regulated for determining driving skills and knowing traffic law for the saftey of their passengers and everyone around them- in other words they should not be exempt from holding a valid NYS drivers license to operate the rickshaw. Another concern is the insurance coverage they carry as a taxi vehicule. You cannot short-cut insurance for the better good of the public. If the licensing of these carts is to establish and create requirements that are monopolistic in nature - forget-about-it.

Anonymous said...

From Seinfeld episode, "The Bookstore":

KRAMER: Oh, boy, look at this. Hong Kong's outlawed the rickshaw. See, I always thought those would be perfect for New York.

JERRY: (Sarcastic) Yes. The city needs more slow-moving wicker vehicles.

Anonymous said...

There ya go.....
less carbon emissions.....a cleaner New York !

I'd be skittish of getting side swiped
in fast moving heavy vehicular traffic though.

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