Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Power to the people (with money)

The Glasers—a family of Bronx elevator-equipment moguls—haven't been too big on giving money to political campaigns. In fact, city campaign-finance records show that before this spring, they and their company—G.A.L. Manufacturing in the South Bronx—hadn't given a single dollar to local candidates. Ever.

Elevator Diplomacy

So why did the Glasers suddenly drop almost $30,000 into Bronx Borough President Adolfo Carrion's campaign war chest in May and July?

Could it have anything to do with the fact that the city had just agreed to pay the Glasers a whopping $5 million for "air rights" over their East 153rd Street property to make way for the renovation of an old pedestrian bridge to the new Yankee Stadium?

The thing that makes the timing of their contribution even more intriguing is that the same politically connected lawyer involved in the air-rights deal also acted as the middleman in raising those contributions for Carrion.

Photo from Village Voice


Anonymous said...

This is surprising? This is one of the most developer-connected pols out there.

Anonymous said...

It's the same old story........
money talks and bullshit walks !

Or....(this is true) I once read in a fortune cookie
I'd just opened (I saved it).....

"With money....a dragon. Without money....a worm!"

So what's the surprise?

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