Thursday, October 25, 2007

Growing concern

The Bloomberg administration wants 1 million trees planted over the next 10 years as part of its long-term mission to improve the environment. But many New Yorkers want to know what the city is doing to save existing trees.

Growing concern

They’re worried possible Parks Dept. plans to raze 20-acres of dense forest at the 50-acre Ridgewood Reservoir to put down artificial turf ballfields is antithetical to the eco-friendly agenda.

Just say no to the city's plan to convert the Garden of Eden of Queens into concrete and astroturf. Save Ridgewood Reservoir today!


verdi said...

As someone recently conveyed to me....
planting saplings are a good photo op for
the Doomsberg administration.....
like unveiling a plaque or dedicating a playground.

Politicians are present....
speech-ifying and gesturing......
making the moment a political op as well.

Taking care of existing older growth trees
offer no such grand PR opportunities.

This planting of "one million trees"
(one million photo ops) is a sham.

Once again, the political clubhouse is insulting the voters by blatantly pulling the wool over their eyes.

Doomberg & Co. is fully assured that they're dumb enough to believe what he's doing is good!


Anonymous said...

Look, guys, the problem here is like St Savoiurs - the public can never never take the first step to do anything unless the higher ups:

1. can take the credit

2. make sure that it does not go against any deals they have already cut

3. can't put their little friends (with a nominal degree of 'inside access') to take the public credit.

This blog is so new they don't know how to respond when an effort comes form the grass roots up.

They hit the nail on the head ... simply diving it further in.

But then, who ever said you had to be smart and be in politics?

Anonymous said...

The "Garden of Eden" didn't exist inside some old, abandoned reservoir basins that are too dangerous to open to the public. I don't like the idea of astroturf either, but something should be done with the site to make it accessible.

Queens Crapper said...

"I don't like the idea of astroturf either, but something should be done with the site to make it accessible."

Put in steps, a tunnel and a ramp. Then it will be accessible. End of story.

parnell said...

Why the obsession with making this site accessable?? Accessable to whom?? Everyone seems to agree there are 120 species of birds accessing the site, and untold and growing numbers of other animals. We have a fascinating laboratory showing us how a forest in an urban area might re-generate itself when left untouched. There is no doubt many of these species would dissapear if it were made "accessable". We already have 141 "accessable" acres of Highland park that are intensively developed with every kind of recreational facility imaginable. This site contains 51 acres that have been untouched for decades. Why is that so terrible?

Anonymous said...

This is true. Central Park had a nature preserve in the middle of it that is not accessible to the public.

Anonymous said...

If the city had their way.....
they would build condos on this site.

After all.....isn't it UNDERUTILIZED from their
point of view?

The 2nd best choice is to "develop" it as a park.

There's just as much kick back money
that a politician can get
from the chosen contractors
who will be awarded the job!

Anonymous said...

this site is already "accessible"
to the eyes of greedy politicos
who are expecting
big campaign contributions
from the firms that NYC
will ultimately award
the "park" construction contracts to!

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