Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Continental crap collage

Sometimes, there just are no words to say except...


This is at 71st Avenue and Kessel Street in Forest Hills.


Anonymous said...

What da fock iz up with da glass block ?

Stylishly Izbek....I suppose!

Anonymous said...

They don't live there, so what do they care.

And if they are immigrants, the have confidence that the media and politicians will favor anything they do.

If you criticize them recieved wisdom wil say:

1. they are a struggling to send their kids to college - an example of an American success story (translation - they run a cash business and paying taxes - well, we don't need no stinkin' taxes)

2. developers have RIGHTS!!! (unlike the broader community)

3. you are a racist (waving this bloody shirt is favored by politicians when they don't want to discuss something like tasteless overdevelopment and community exploitation - the tweeded immigrant is their perfect foil for all kinds of outrages.)

georgetheatheist said...

My favorite glass block building are the law offices of Shaevitz & Shaevitz on Hillside Avenue in Jamaica...Glass block city!...Who was the "genius" who ever invented "glass block"?

Anonymous said...

Jake LaSala, that dumbass stuttering attorney, has a basement apartment in this building.

Anonymous said...

I love people who glass block their basement windows.

Remove the ventilation.....
and they wonder why humidity causes black mold !

Anonymous said...

Disgusting. 71-12 Kessel Street is a real eyesore too. I used to live on that street and it was beautiful for years.

Anonymous said...

I would think that glass-blocking the windows of a basement apartment would be a blatant violation of building codes (i.e., no means of escape from a fire). But after being a fan of this website almost from the beginning, I can see that the building codes are usually "enforced" by Chief Inspector "Ben Franklin!"

--Dave in Milwaukee (childhood in FH--wayyyyy back when)

Anonymous said...

Glass blocking a basement
keeps the water out in case of flooding.......
unless a sub level toilet blows its lid.

What the hell does a thieving
cheapskate slumlord care.......
glass block is easy to maintain.

Anonymous said...

My friend just bought that house less than 6 months ago. I am not sure what the old owners were thinking, but the end result is that the inside of the house is gorgeous. Actually the glass adds much needed natural light into what would have otherwise been a very depressing living room. I know it's funny to look at first but after my many visits, it reminds me of an old quirky aunt.

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