Thursday, August 23, 2007

United against United Homes

The victims of the alleged scheme say they were sold houses in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Bushwick and Brownsville - some at more than $100,000 over their actual value - after responding to ads for United Homes in the Daily News and on subway billboards.


They say the ads - which always featured minority families and the tagline "We can Make a Dream Come True" - targeted them because they were financially inexperienced.

Now, several of the first-time home buyers are in foreclosure on their mortgages

Suit: African-Americans targeted in 'lemon' home sales

Taking a look at the offerings on their website, they see, to only specialize in crap.


georgetheatheist said...

First, lenders were criticized for not being in minority nabes, then criticized for being in them! Go figure.

Caveat emptor.

[Just what is being taught in Economics classes in the city school system?]

Anonymous said...

I was always taught at a very early age
to watch out for "deals"
that sound too good to be true.

Then again, I'm from another generation.
We didn't have "I-pods"
plugged into our ears all day!

If I spent too much time watching black & white TV
,instead of learning something useful,
my parents would have kicked my ass!

You are what you've learned !

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