Friday, August 31, 2007

The 'bullseye building' in Dutch Kills

Here is my latest from Curbed, a development called Crescent Club that is currently under construction in Dutch Kills. I said it "looks like an abstract subliminal ad for Target stores." So far, the commenters have been hinting that they think this is a piece of Queens Crap in a crappy 'hood. I am waiting for someone to say "But it's a Karl Fischer project!" as if that would make it all right.

Yet Another New Development for LIC: Crescent Club


Anonymous said...

I wonder when people will start complaining about Scandals, the Rikers loser bus, and the general ghetto vibe of QP.

KG2V said...

OK Just so you don't have to wait:

"But it's a Karl Fischer project!"


Anonymous said...

"looks like an abstract subliminal ad for Target stores."

Neat description.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, this doesn't quite sink to the level of crap. There are so many more projects worthy of that title.

Anonymous said...

Oh no this most definitely is crap. 140 units in a space that had none before, with no improvements to the infrastructure to support it. This is not smart.

verdi said...

Now that's a real Karl Piss-scher project!

Anonymous said...

Those folks at Dutch Kills civic agreed to massive rezoning. Lets see why:

1. they are in CB1, the community board from hell

2. they are led by a very nice fellow, in totally over his head, with little understanding what is going on around him, and vacantly smiles when they send the politicians to stand next to him for a photo op and write up a nice article in the local paper(Local Residents Demand Rezoning for Massive Development!)

3. they are in CB1, the community board from hell

4. Mickeljohn, of Hunter College and Sunnyside Gardens fame did a study suggesting the area would be perfect for what seemed to be little more than immigrant dormatories and services for them. See what happened to the same stunt in SSG? The naive folks in Dutch Kills were floored with her academic degree and slick power point presentation. She used the image of a 150 year old house to demonstrate how a block was underutilized.

5. they are in CB1, the community board from hell

6. Queens Civic Congress (of which Dutch Kills just about the only western Queens member) is working to push development out of eastern
Queens (and by default, by not working on downzoning the entire boro, pushes it into western Queens) made some futile gestures but never worked with local groups that wanted to put a halt to this upzoning.

7. the are in CB1, the community board from hell

8. the real backbone of this organization is someone with ties to developers at a number of levels, politically, culturaly, etc. 'nuff said there...

9. they are in CB1, the community board from hell

10. any resistance to overdevelopment are given the incentive to cash out and move leaving their neighbors .... staring at a 9 story wall in the backyard ... or doing the same. I think this is called blockbusting?

11. they are in CB1, the community board from hell.

10. no one in the preservation community made any effort to discuss with these people other alternatives. As a matter of fact, some went on a walking tour of the area a few years back and found it quite amusing that the neighborhood residents took pride in its impending demolition - recall them saying that was a new one they never saw before. Isn't it nice that Manhattan preservationists find Queens residents 'funny?'

11. they are in CB1, the community board from hell.

Anonymous said...

Trees? Green lawn?

Yes! Yes! Yes! That's Queens Plaza!!

Anonymous said...

We will say it now, and say it again and again

Queens Plaza is dirty, noisy, and dangerous.

Looks like the old Carter Hotel moved from the Deunce to the Plaza.

Anonymous said...

The "Bloods" have been controlling prostitution around QP for several years.
Maybe some have "reformed" and infiltrated CB #1.

Remember Mc Gowan's "Ye Olde Dublin House"?
That was the best corner to get a hooker......
going way back to the 1960s!

Anonymous said...

This building looks like a stacked bunch
of live poultry cages......
chickens on their way to market....
housed in temporary "living" quarters
awaiting their final fate.

You call this living?

smartenuf said...

Anonymous said...

"Remember Mc Gowan's "Ye Olde Dublin House"?
That was the best corner to get a hooker......
going way back to the 1960s!"


I just researched a photo I found online showing "Ye Olde Dublin House"
It appear to be on Queens Plaza SOUTH at 27 st, based on the staircase up to the elevated station and the structure in distance with the two levels of the #7 train, making the sharp turn to the South at the West end of the stations.

Lived in Queensbridge Houses 1952 to 1969. This was my NYCT station Never did feel "comfortable" on the "Plaza South..."

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