Monday, July 30, 2007

Yet another bus route change for Atlas Park

Guess two buses to the mall isn't enough...

More traffic woes may await dozens of Glendale residents still fuming over a transit reroute that, for weeks now, has brought the Q54 bus down their traffic-clogged street on its way to Atlas Park mall. Now, the mall’s development director, Damon Hemmerdinger, is seeking another reroute — this time to the Q23 — in hopes of luring more customers from Forest Hills.

Developer Seeks Q23 Reroute, But Locals Poised To Oppose

Since taking effect in July, the reroute has infuriated homeowners along Cooper Avenue, who insisted that they had been left out of the decision-making process. The change, they asserted, has brought more unwelcome noise, air pollution and congestion to an area already plagued by daily traffic snags. And another rerouted bus, they say, will only make matters worse.

"These buses are pulling down tree branches, traffic is a disaster, driveways are blocked, horns are honking for three minutes at a time," said Glendale dad Marcos Pagan. "Q54 is creating a traffic hell — so to hear that they want to add another bus to this mess comes as a slap in the face."

Thought that everyone was going to take the bus to the mall, so why is there so much traffic? Oh, wait...

...if greening the city were such a high priority for mall developers, their decision to install two parking garages at Atlas Park with 1,400 spaces seems “questionable,” Pagan said.

Photo from Queens Chronicle

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why don't we just reroute all buses so that they end at Atlas Park?

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