Wednesday, June 6, 2007


A thank you goes out today to Councilman Joe Addabbo who showed real leadership after Mayor Bloomberg told his constituents who expressed concern about terrorism, "You can't sit there and worry about everything. Get a life."

Queens pol disputes mayor's terror remarks

"Regardless of what anyone says, a resident whose house is less than 25 feet from the pipeline is going to be very concerned by this," said Addabbo, who represents neighborhoods near JFK airport.

"My constituents, who before this had no idea where the pipeline ran, now know exactly where it runs. I've told all my constituents, if you see any suspicious activity, call in and report it," said Addabbo. "If anyone on the other end of 311 or 911 calls you a 'nervous Nelly,' I want to hear about it."

Photo from NYC Council


Anonymous said...

"You can't sit there and worry about everything. Get a life."

This was all he could say? Does he remember 9/11?

I'm glad to see Addabbo supported and reassured his constituents.

Anonymous said...

Well, Joe, instead of just encouraging your residents to report suspicious activity, why don't you do something about bringing in from the cold all those invisible undocumented people out there that are the cause of these concerns?

Pipelines don't blow up pipelines, people blow up pipelines.

verdi said...

What we have for a mayor is a diminutive Marie Antoinette in male drag!

An elitist "aristo" (aristocrat..... in the language of the 18th century) !

What does Bloomberg care about the plight of the average guy? Let them "eat cake" or "get a life" is his credo!

While he sits comfortably in his safe and secure posh east side "chateau".... some folks are living dangerously right on top of a poorly protected jet fuel pipeline!

In lieu of providing adequate security measures he suggests that all residents become watchful "junior G-men deputies" and take care of themselves, so to speak!

Thanks to Councilman Addabbo for kicking our King Louis the 16th Mayor in his royal ass! (We'll be glad to assist him retrieve his shoe at Belleview's surgical ward at his convenience.....that is....if he wants it back) !

Sharp words is what Bloomberg the blade of Madame Guillotine! *

*Note and legal disclaimer :
You may set your minds at ease. The last reference was meant as political other words....A JOKE....not a veiled threat of any kind. It was not meant to incite revolution....French style or otherwise (in the event that any of our paranoid "authorities" are monitoring this site) !

Anonymous said...

If my choice in the Dem primary in 08 is between Joe Adabbo and that nutty Guyanese guy Badeo I'm for Joe. Badeo's brother is crapping on Queens with the stuff being built on his properties just like all of his real estate buddies in Richmond Hill while he spouts platitudes about overdevelopment. Gimme a break.

Anonymous said...

Joe Addabbo said..."Regardless of what anyone says, a resident whose house is less than 25 feet from the pipeline is going to be very concerned by this," said Addabbo, who represents neighborhoods near JFK airport.

Is he kidding? If I lived 25,000 feet away from the pipline I'd be concerned. 25 feet and you're well done toast.

Anonymous said...

what does serph say about this? does't he care abo... what does serph say about this? doesn't he care about this?

Anonymous said...

Who cares what Serph says or what Addabbo says. The Guyanese boy Baldeo says...gimme a match

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