Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Update on "Crap in the Yard, part 2"

Crap in the Yard, part 2 brought you the story of an irregularly- shaped sideyard at 53-51 63rd Street in Maspeth. They were finally granted a garage-building permit and are busy at work on it. What escapes me is why a balcony is needed on the roof...


Anonymous said...

My word to the disgraceful homeowner: What the hell is that, & who the hell do you think you are to take advantage of a loophole in the law?

Anonymous said...

The roof balcony is to make it convenient for those who become suicidal after looking at such an ugly, windowless soviet-style prison.

Anonymous said...

That's the look out tower......just in case the building's owner or resident plans to engage in any illegal activity.

It provides a great early warning vantage point!

Anonymous said...

jake lacrapa is moving into the basement of this building.

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