Monday, May 7, 2007

Window-Free Wonder

"An update on the Window-Free Wonder on Sanford between 162 and 163." - K.W.

Previously featured here: Sanford Avenue Bomb Shelter


Anonymous said...

Perfect for conversion into a whore house. Less windows...more room for beds....more "privacy"!

Once a civic group complained to an elected official about the proliferation of brothels in the downtown Flushing area. The politician replied that this was part of Asian culture!

"Nookie" on the side was to be condoned and the police, I suppose, were to just look the other way!

Anonymous said...

What are you complaining about?

There is only one thing important.

This is to get reelected and by doing so, enjoy the 'benes' that go along with it.

If that means tweeding, and if that has a negative impact on the community, to paraphase the robber barons of the 19th century,

"What are you going to do about it?"

Anonymous said...

which politician was that? Do you have a source, or are you simply promoting anonymous rumors?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, unsubstantiated rumors are allowed (and apparently encouraged) on this site.

Anonymous said...

"Mazeartist"and "anonymous" I protect my anonymity and my sources is none of your f-----g business.

If I revealed to you who I was, you'd be ashamed of questioning my integrity by insinuating that I'm a rumor monger.

Carry on and good luck with your insinuations!

Anonymous said...

Of course. And we can choose to ignore your rumor-mongering as if you're just another message board retard with "ideas".

Anonymous said...

Oh my! Do I sense some dissension in the ranks? Just what the Stavisky’s would like to see. Then they can divide and conquer. You’re losing focus people. Stop trying to be legends in your own minds.

Anonymous said...

The first poster is wrong when he states, “Once a civic group complained to an elected official about the proliferation of brothels in the downtown Flushing area. The politician replied that this was part of Asian culture!”

The politician was Julia Harrison and she was responding to what attorney Lung Fong (Robert) Chen had stated in response to her anti-prostitution efforts in the downtown area. He protested her efforts and stated, “prostitution was an essential part of the Asian culture.” Harrison told Chen that prostitution was illegal in New York City, as in most American cities. She continued to fight the prostitution in her district, regardless of cultural differences. She also got the Midtown Enforcement Division of the NYPD involved when the 109th Precinct commander informed her of 43 "rub" establishments (or brothels) in operation, in and about the downtown Flushing area.

Chen, was later convicted and sentenced to hard time for his role in the Seven Giants scam. He was disbarred.

Anonymous said...

Choose to ingnore my alleged "rumor mongering" if you will. My comment has (obviously) already struck "home"!

Anonymous said...

"First poster" replies....Thank you for coming foward.

I knew that if I cast my rather ....deliberately incorrect statement as bait properly..... that I would catch the right response!

Wasn't Lung Fong (Robert) Chen, Tommy Huang's attorney back in the late 1980s?

Anonymous said...

Gee....I live a block and a half away from Chen!

Now that he's been disbarred....maybe I'll fantasize kicking him in his ass (for being in cahoots with Tommy Huang) if I ever see him, without worrying about getting sued !

I understand you can't miss him....he's practically a midget....5'5'' tall? Is that right?

I've got nothing against "little people" just crooked lawyers!

But he did put Aluminum siding on his classic 1920s stucco house! Talk about!

Anonymous said...

Yes. Lung Fong Chen represented Tommy Huang. In fact it was Mr. Chen who threatened legal action against Leonard Stavisky for calling Huang an arsonist during the fires that occured at Sanford and Main in the 1980's. The so called "Continental Fruit Exchange Fire" that put five or six thriving (American) businesses out of business.

Lung Fong Chen owned many properties in the downtown Flushing area. One is the site of the Leonard Stavisky School. Plagued with environmental issues and back taxes owed to the City, the property, which had been a gas station, was un-marketable. It was taken by eminent domain by the School Construction Authority for an undisclosed sum. It was Wellington Chen who brought the property to the attention of the SCA.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he should change his name to Lung Fong-Ghoul!

Anonymous said...

In reply to..... "I knew that if I cast my rather ....deliberately incorrect statement as bait properly..... that I would catch the right response!"

OH BROTHER!!!! Another legend!

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