Sunday, May 20, 2007

Not "fore"-warned

Douglaston is under siege by a Parks Department owned golf course:

Several irate Queens families are taking a swing at a city-owned golf course, saying wayward balls are rocketing into their windows, houses and cars, causing thousands of dollars in property damage and keeping them prisoners in their own homes.


Parks Department spokesman Warner Johnston said the city's concession agreement requires Douglaston Golf LLC to employ "reasonable preventative" measures and that the city is looking into options.

Douglaston Park neighbors teed off about golf course

The Hristopouloses and their neighbors have replaced car windshields, sunroofs, windows and doors to their home, glass tables in their back yard. Hristopoulos estimated that recent damage cost easily more than $7,000, and he does not even count the dents in his car anymore. The brick facade of his house is chipped. But the Hristopouloses worry more for their safety - their 12-year-old son was hit in the leg last summer while he played soccer in their yard.

Photo from NY Post

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why would any sane person expect that a city agency managed by Bloomberg fulfill its obligations?

Look at the complexities that the solution involves: Placing a very large net on the boundary of the course.

Imagine the engineering needed. Where would the material be found? Who could possibly attach a net to tall poles? Who could possibly monitor such a net and maintain it?

What do people expect from Bloomberg? Competence? The will to protect the public from danger?

My God! People who attend cocktail parties would snicker at his gaucheries.

Leave the man alone! And, don't presume to keep those golf balls; they are the property of the golfers. Bloomberg will send the police if you keep even just a single ball. (He worries about balls; he has none of his own, you see?)

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