Thursday, May 10, 2007

Here's a shock: Pinky lied!

Councilman Dennis Gallagher has been swearing to his constituents that he is not running for office again. So it comes as a bit of a surprise that he's having a fundraiser on May 21st!

You have to wonder why this bunch listed on his invite would want to keep company with someone who's so dishonest. Perhaps they are a bunch of liars themselves?

So what is Pinky running for? Of course, the invite doesn't say.

Invite courtesy of Councilman Dennis P. Gallagher (and probably mailed out by his taxpayer-funded staff from his taxpayer-funded office).


verdi said...

If Gallagher were Pinnochio.....his nose would already be a mile long!

Kleenex would make a fortune!

Anonymous said...

A finer collection of dirtbags Queens has never seen.

Anonymous said...

Aren't three of the people on his committee all vying for his seat? I'd vote for the one who had the backbone to not kiss pink ass.

Anonymous said...

No wonder the Queens GOP is in such a shambles. Look at how many Democrats are on the list! What the f---?

Anonymous said...

A swinger, a swindler, and a con man are on his finance committee...what a joke.

Anonymous said...

I think I am moving out of Middle Village, if this is the best that it has to represent it.

Anonymous said...

What makes people "honorable?" Getting elected to office? Some of these people with Hon. next to their names are a complete disgrace and should be banned from using the title.

Anonymous said...

This is awesome. When Pinky goes down, we know who will go down with him.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'll make a scorecard.

Anonymous said...

Pinky, you better tell bloated boy to log on quickly, he's already 9 comments behind.

Anonymous said...

They forgot pinky's other pals: Hon. Al Goldstein, Hon. Larry Flint and the Hon. Hugh Hefner.

Anonymous said...

What you're reading here "Pinky" is a vote of NO CONFIDENCE!

Do the right thing......right now.......STEP DOWN!

Anonymous said...

Who cares?

Anonymous said...

If you don't care about a public servant misusing funds to campaign, then you have a real problem.

hooper said...

He's not a public servant, he's a shameless self servant.

Pinky, please sign me up for your fund raiser. In fact, I'd like to make a speech.

Anonymous said...

Stinky Pinky
So rinky-dinky
What makes that councilman pink?

A high BP
sugar count of 303
and plenty of spirits to drink!

Anonymous said...

There once was a girl named K.S.
Who found herself in a terrible mess.
She got on her knees
Whenever Dennis said "please"
Why? Well that's anyone's guess!

Anonymous said...

There once was a dumbass in pain
Who logged onto Queens Crap to complain
Loyal to his friend Dennis
He denies he's a menace
That bloated guy is insane!

Anonymous said...

"It's a small world after all, it's a small world after all, it's a small world after all, it's a small, small world."

Sung by the Gallagher family at Disneyworld

Anonymous said...

Joe Cimino was born in Maspeth and raised in Middle Village where he still currently resides. Joe retired in November 2004 after more than 27 years of service with the District Attorney's Office, Kings County. At the time of his retirement he had attained the rank of Deputy Chief Investigator and was the commanding officer of the Narcotics Division. During his career, from 1981 through 1991, Joe served as the President of the Detective Investigator's Association, an affiliate of the Detective's Endowment Association of the NYPD. Now Joe runs around doing the dirty work of an out-of-control pink councilman who routinely abuses his power and harasses any constituent who dares to speak out against his agenda. Yes, Pinky was caught on wiretaps taking bribes from a crooked building consultant and took a free trip to Disneyworld in 1999 with his family, all expenses paid, as a bribe. But Joe's his best buddy and number one defender! Even to the point of where he makes shit up about things he knows nothing about to attack people and cover Pinky's ass. Yes, it seems that Joe has been rehearsing the company line a lot lately. Maybe Joe's cases should be reopened and everyone given new trials. It's more than likely that he lied in court, too. How many innocent people are in prison now because Joe lied about their actions? How many innocent people in Maspeth and Middle Village are being hurt now because Joe lies about their actions?

The bigger they are, the harder they fall, Joe. Have you gotten on a scale recently?

Anonymous said...

Stop picking on me...I can't help it if I am big boned and no brained! Dennis lets me emcee his events even though everyone thinks I suck...Dennis is a great pal!

Anonymous said...

Come to our next meeting...we'll give away ice cream money to the first 5 people who show up. (That's 5 more than we had last time.)

Anonymous said...

Why did Gallagher pick Russo's on the Bay? Are there no fancy establishments left in his district? Why didn't he try the Arby's on Metropolitan Avenue? The one that, under his watch, replaced Niederstein's?

Anonymous said...

Is getting a lapdance from a hooker of color still tradition at 78-25 Metro Ave every year when Pinky's birthday rolls around?

Anonymous said...

Maybe she'll pop out of the cake at Russo's on the Bay on May 21st.

Anonymous said...

Niederstein's: gone
Durow's: gone
Gebhardt's: gone

There's Abbracciamento's...where Kitty Katz had her party. Maybe Dennis feels more comfortable in a district that's not his. If I were him, I would feel that way, too.

Anonymous said...


I went to the JPCA meeting as you asked me to, I'll give you the head count and a report next time I see you. Thanks for all your help with that yeshiva. We really showed em we mean business, didn't we?

Anonymous said...

Meet me at the Juniper ballfields after the fundraiser, Dennis. Please bring your bolt cutters; I lost mine.

Anonymous said...

These are the saddest of possible words:
"Weiner and Pinky and Katz."
Trio of losers, truly for the birds,
Weiner and Pinky and Katz.
Ruthlessly pricking competitive election bubbles,
Through campaign contributions that suddenly double--
Words that are heavy with nothing but troubles:
"Weiner and Pinky and Katz."

Unknown said...

Leave Kerry alone, because Gallagher is doing the runt now.

Why do you thinkshe has off on Friday's??

georgetheatheist said...

Stop picking on this Friend of Animals..He has not one but TWO dogs, Chloe and Sadie.

Anonymous said...

Little Stinky Pinky Dennis Pee is not running for office and most all the donations are payoffs for past and future favors that his long list of developers have benefitted from on his watch. The hundreds of thousands of dollars in his campaign account can be used to fund a candidate of his choosing like one of the obsequious lawyers that hang around him. On the other hand, New York State laws allow him to keep all the money and live off of it. If Pinky chooses that option, the obsequious ones will become real Schmucks!

Anonymous said...

Dennis has three pets: Chloe, Sadie and Joey. Chloe is by far the brightest of the bunch.

Anonymous said...

When the doctor told that girl she needed to eat something, he didn't mean her boss!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Joseph Cimino was Deputy Chief and assigned as the commanding officer of the Kings County District Attorney's Office Narcotics Division! That means he witnessed firsthand what drugs can do to children, their families and the community.

ATTENTION BREAKING COMMUNITY NEWS: Did you know that Joe Cimino, former commanding officer of the Brooklyn D.A.'s Office Narcotics Division appointed one of the biggest drug dealers in Maspeth in the last 30 years to the nominating committee of the Middle Village Maspeth Civic Assoc? Cimino's friend, Councilman Dennis Gallagher went even further, he appointed Mugsy to the community board and to his campaign finance committee.

Both must be aware that Mugsy profited for decades from dealing drugs on the streets of Maspeth. Both are well aware that Mugsy was responsible for the destruction of dozens of lives in the area.


We will reveal other drug dealers and abusers who Gallagher has surrounded himself with. We will also reveal Mugsy's real name soon to make the community aware of this criminal and the appalling hypocrisy of Joe Cimino & Dennis Gallagher.

Anonymous said...

I grew up in Maspeth and watched helplessly as many of my friends lost everything to drugs. We all know at least a half dozen friends who died from drugs.

We all know Mugsy from Reif Pk. Remember his car? Here's a test:
Do you remember the make & color?

Looks like the narcotics chief appointing this drug dealer is big news. Anyone associating with a big dealer should be examined.

We all know stories about how Mugsy hid the drug money and how nobody ever trusted him with cash. The guy would cheat his own brother.

They should also examine his affiliation with a local school.

Anonymous said...

If you're smart, you'd resign now Pinky, or continue to face public humiliation (which will screw you in the long run).

Anonymous said...

Interesting that one of the members of his finance committee couldn't keep track of the monies going in and out of the of the non-profit they were president of . . . .

Anonymous said...

Gallagher's honoring Sal Candela? For what? What a friggin' joke!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Walk the cat backwards with this fat no-neck Pinky Lapdancer.

If he is so dirty now, in retirement, exactly how dirty was he while on the payroll?

When did no-neck and the Lapdancer first cross paths? How did the deal get sealed?

Who first masticated whom?

Defense attorneys: examine your records. In how many trials did this fat turd testify against your clients?

Seems to me like it's time to turn the tables.

Pinky victims: time to talk!

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Stop calling me Pinky, you meanspirited vial people. Don't forget I lead this community for 6 years.

Anonymous said...

Plenty of proof has been offered, both on this blog and to DOI. Search if you need more proof.

Anonymous said...

Eileen Reilly president of town hall did she get additional pay raise with this new title. I guess her last 20% increase was not enough. Greed defines her.

Anonymous said...

GOD said, Let there be light and there was pinky.

Anonymous said...

Of course "Pinky" is having a fund-raiser!

If he runs for office (????) then later changes his mind.....does he get to keep the money that he's raised?

That would be some sweetheart deal!

I wouldn't put it past "the system" to allow that!

Anonymous said...

i grew up in maspeth near holy cross. i read that this guy joe cimino was the commanding officer of brooklyn district attorney's narcotics division and appointed mugsy to a prestigious office. i also read that cimino grew up in maspeth. cimino had to know mugsy, if not he knows now. if cimino didn't know or still doesn't care then what kind of detective was he? this must be revealed to the people of maspeth.

for years the biggest joke in maspeth was that mugsy was allowed to con his way into that catholic school athletics program.

i agree, this story must be told.

Anonymous said...

I believe that both Congressman Gallagher and Cimino should be investigated for their association with a known drug dealer. I know this guy Mugsy, he uses Mike to the respectable crowd but anyone who knows him as Mugsy knows him for what he is, a dirty drug dealing crook through and through.
Hey, you don't go by the name of Mugsy if you are an upstanding citizen.
Cimino is either a dirty or very dumb detective. Gallagher should think twice about his association with this man since half of Maspeth knows Mugsy.

Anonymous said...

Gallagher's dirty legacy is sealed as far as the community is concerned. I heard that he is about to take a big fall, I just hope there are plenty of photographers present when they take him out of his office on Metropolitan Avenue in handcuffs. That should make the front page of that Juniper Valley Park newsletter.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Gallagher, remember me?

Anonymous said...

"I was proud to have the opportunity to work with the Community Task Force led by Bob Holden, Anthony Nunziato, Ed Kampermann, Manny Caruana, (and) former Minority Leader of the City Council, Thomas Ognibene. " ...written by Councilman Dennis Gallagher on the victory at Elmhurst Gas Tanks Park in his Spring 2004 newsletter.

Spring 2006: He has attacked Bob Holden, Anthony Nunziato, Ed Kampermann, Manny Caruana and now is at war with his mentor, Tom Ognibene and is even fighting with Serf Maltese.

Not convinced? See how many Maltese staff members attend Gallagher's fundraiser on May 21st.

Anonymous said...

Gallagher is off the deep end. The pink-o-meter is now registering off the charts. He's ready to blow a gasket. Any good person that really knows him is gone. All he has left around him are crooks and the incredibly dumb and gullible.

Anonymous said...

Ognibene will most likely show up at Gallagher's fundraiser. He blows hot & cold with his degenerate underling. I'm betting Ognibene will make a brief appearance at the pinkyparty and then run for the hills.

Anonymous said...

I beg to differ. Ognibene can't stand Gallagher. Just ask ANYONE who worked in Ognibene's office while he was councilman and Gallagher was his chief of staff.

To the person they all think Gallagher was immoral and dishonest. They got to see Dennis P. Gallagher in action.

Anonymous said...

It's great seeing Gallagher, Maltese and Ognibenie fighting. Under their lack of leadership, the party has gone down the tubes.

Anonymous said...

This guy Joe Cimino has to be the biggest piece of shit out there. How do you go from fighting drugs as a chief of narcotics to making a big time drug dealer a community leader?

The sordid story HAS to be in the press. Did someone notify Brooklyn DA Charles Hynes of Cimino's antics?

I agree with an earlier post, they should re-examine his cases. The guy is a dirty hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

Cimino is only a stooge for that corrupt councilman Gallagher. Focus on him and not Cimino otherwise you're just wasting your time. I don't think Joe knows what's going on.

Anonymous said...

Dennis "Pinky" Gallagher lied? That's like breathing to the pink pretender.

BTW, I saw Pinky & Jake hanging with some honeys at the Woodhaven House. Jake's already divorced and Dennis Dingleberry is about to be dethroned.

The other shoe is about to drop.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the list of donors to the Gallagher campaign from his bogus party/fundraiser. He throws a party in honor of himself.

Can anybody decipher all of Gallagher's huge expenses? Does that sound like money laundering to anybody out there?

Considering who he has around him I wouldn't be surprised.

Anonymous said...

the pink perverted pariah got a call recently from an investigator and didn't even know it...are you hearing a click on the line PINKY?

Anonymous said...

response to Thursday May 10:

Joe, the Chief Corruptor, Blowhard, and Braggart, who was probably forced to retire in 2004. Commanding Officer? (ha ha) Command this, Joe. You're nothin' but a Chief "WANNA BE" who didn't have the class nor brains to be a real cop. You were nothin' but a CIVILIAN INVESTIGATOR.

As for the Detective Investigators Assoc, he was NEVER the President of this organization. He was the president of the Police Benevolent Association of the D.A.'s Offices until 1991. He did such a poor job, he corrupted and bankrupted the union until they voted him out. Let us not forget he was a person of interest who had his union books subpoened by the US Attorney. Yup, he was hooked up in the Ron Reale (transit union President) CORRUPTION TRIAL. A half-baked politican who ran for Public Advocate. Needless to say, Reale's trial dealt with fund raising - beat this one, Pinky! Things got so bad the new board was forced to close the corporation and start a new one called the "Detective Investigators Assoc", with which he has no association.

Thanks Joe,
Your Former 211 R.O.D.

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