Sunday, May 13, 2007

Attracting tourist $$$ to Queens

...some Queensites are tired of being part of a Manhattan-centric metropolis: they’re working to bring tourists here – to the largest and most diverse borough of the City.

Boro Talk Focuses On Reeling In Tourists

The problem, she noted, is that this quietly unfolding mélange of cultures and attractions is just that – quiet. The borough businesses, leaders and residents must work harder to unveil the wealth of activity Queens has to offer, Marshall said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Marshal's brain must be way out there in the distant marshlands!

Compared to Manhattan's vast array of exciting, vibrant tourist attractions.....Queens has nothing to offer a visitor with limited travel time (except a tennis game during the season)!

Would you make an out of the way detour to visit i.e.Theater In The Park, when you could see a real Broadway show instead? Not likely!

It's all just a plot to get $$$$$$$$$$ (under the guise of tourism) to feed the already overfed budgets and executive directors salaries at our various (ho-hum) weakly attended cultural institutions in Flush. Med. Park etc!

It's just another attempt to add to the slush fund of the patronage mill!

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