Saturday, April 14, 2007

Will Flushing Commons find a common ground with Flushing?

“I don’t support them [the developers],” said City Councilmember John Liu, who represents the area. “The community hashed out an agreement with the city two years ago and through these presentations the developer seems to be throwing out the entire agreement.”

Tussle over Flushing Commons revisions

Meyer said that the 1,600 spots were still more than the community requested and that while parking rates would rise, they would still be lower than market rate elsewhere in the city. Business and community leaders backed Meyer and voiced support for the project to go forward.

More coverage:

Flushing Commons Still On Track, Despite Delays

Muni Lot 1 plans defended

Merchants Brace for a Local Big Dig

As mentioned previously, we're with Johnny on this one. You don't get a contract and then get to change the entire agreement. If this developer can't provide what he proposed then the city needs to find someone who will.

Screenshot from Windows Live Local


Anonymous said...

It's all bullshit! John Liu, Toby Stavisky and Ellen Young got mucho $$$ from TDC (Wellington Chen, Senior VP), Fultonex, Michael Lee, Sonny Chui and the rest of this development team. The Parkside Group represents the developer TDC/Rockefeller, as well as the local elected pigs mentioned above. Don't be fooled by the political crap about "not supporting" this development.

The selection process has been compromised AGAIN. TDC/Rockefeller should be tossed out and the EDC should start over. This time learn from the past, and make the selection process corruption proof!

Muni #1 presently has 1,100 parking spaces. A movie theater, hotel, community facilities, residences, commercial space and a shopping mall are going to replace the current site. AND the future parking will increase by only 500 spaces? Traffic, traffic, traffic everywhere. Forget about the community spaces, they'll only be subsidized thru political contributions OKed by the Parkside Group. Flushing doesn't need anymore community spaces, Flushing need parking spaces.

Anonymous said...

Honor among theives. They thought they could pull a fast one on the clubhouse, and now everyone is playing chicken while the community suffers.

Anonymous said...

John Liu & Co. are lying dogs.

Their only interest lies in their own interests!

Anonymous said...

They're not going to find another developer because the fix is in with Wellington Chen's group.

verdi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

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