Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Underground Railroad homes hearing today

This should be a good one:

Council hearing on Underground Railroad homes

Lawmakers To Consider Fate of Seven Brooklyn Houses

The EDC's report can be found at the bottom of this page:


Here's a video report:

AKRF vs. History: The Duffield St. Houses

Photo from The Real Deal


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see Melinda and Pinky dance the two-step on this one.

Anonymous said...

Underground Railroad; Underground Garage. They're both still underground, right?

Listen. A developer's got to make a buck, just like every other business. A developer has big obligations, too. Just count all the politicians wanting to be fed.

What? You want your council member and the mayor to be sleeping under a bridge? You heartless creatures!

Anonymous said...

If NYC chooses to pave over history, once again, in this case an important part of the struggle for freedom ......for ALL PEOPLE of ALL COLORS ......and to obliterate or cover over the shameful period of SLAVERY in America and the network of the Underground Railroad with greedy development.....then we have all become slaves to that voracious real estate industry which has everyones' neighborhood in its death grips!

This new "master" has already gobbled up far too much history....particularly....African-American history!

Those who are presently reading this (at City Hall etc.....and we know that you are) take heed!

You cannot allow the history of Duffield Street to vanish.

Those houses must be saved. They are part of the ALL INCLUSIVE history of the United States of America!

Merely re-naming this street (as a compromise effort) or putting up a historic marker, or any other attempt at patronizing, will be looked upon as racist, and as such, become part of that sordid history which has become all too familiar in New York!

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