Sunday, April 8, 2007

Rockaway population expands

The peninsula's population soared to an estimate of nearly 120,500 people by 2006, which is an increase of 5,505 people between January 1, 2005 and January 1, 2006, according to the most recent annual population survey released by the Long Island Power Authority.

Pop! Number of New Residents Surges

The LIPA survey is based on U.S. Census data and utility records of active residential electric meters. The utility measures population growth as a way of predicting energy demands.

U.S. Census data? That only counts legal residents. Please don't base your power demand estimates on that. (Think Astoria circa summer of 2006.)

Photo from Forgotten-NY


Anonymous said...

Not to worry. They can deck the Atlantic shoreline to accomodate new buildings to warehouse the new residents.

They're doing it over NYC's rail-yards. How's a little water gonna stop 'em!

Anonymous said...

Well now we are reading that the power for NYC will start to run short in three years (and it takes eight to put a new plant on line).

I just do not understand when a civic leader gushes as more people get shoe-horned into his community. Their cries of delight remind us adults that they are acting like some child watching the tooth fairy add to the pennies in their piggy bank.

Get real guys!

Grow up!

Higher numbers are burden. You are not playing a pinball game.

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