Thursday, April 5, 2007

Riled up in Rosedale

This one's about Rosedale and Laurelton:

Beset by a frenzied wave of super-sized development, the two traditionally single-family-home neighborhoods in southeastern Queens have long clamored to be rezoned. But they haven't had any luck - and are furious that more than 20 other Queens neighborhoods have been rezoned since 2002.

Rosedale locals press pol on rezoning

The vast majority of the roughly 75 residents in attendance angrily protested when the host, City Councilman James Sanders Jr. (D-Laurelton), attempted to discuss issues other than rezoning.

Uh oh. Sounds like this bunch is taking no prisoners!

Queens Crap would like to welcome you guys into the Red-Lined Neighborhoods Club.


Anonymous said...

"The vast majority of the roughly 75 residents in attendance angrily protested when the host, City Councilman James Sanders Jr. (D-Laurelton), attempted to discuss issues other than rezoning"

Sounds like this guy could care less what most of his people want. Does our Pink friend have a long lost brother on the council?

Crappy - lets have a link to Mr. Sanders' contributions, please.

Queens Crapper said...

Oh, if you insist...

James Sanders, Jr. campaign contributions

Anonymous said...

Politicians have long known which are going to be the "have" neighborhoods at the expense of those which will be the "have nots".

Red lines have been drawn decades ago....and they tend to abound in Southeast Queens don't they?

The red lined neighborhoods seem to also coincide with the projected sub-prime mortgage foreclosure neighborhoods also....don't they?

H-m-m-m-m! Are these neighborhoods being primed for "urban renewal" (destruction)?

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