Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Queens Crap remakes classic movie

1941: The story of a Welsh valley's turn-of-the-century descent from pristine paradise to despoiled coal mining region. Now considered to be a movie classic.
2007: The story of a NYC borough's turn-of-the-century descent from livable society to overdeveloped nightmare. The acting in this one is absolutely jaw-dropping. A very tragic story.

Coming soon to the Trylon, Elmwood and RKO Keith's Theaters.


Anonymous said...

Except for the receeding hairline....John Liu looks like "#1 Son" from a classic "Charlie Chan" film noir!

In real life his father, Joseph Liu, is a convicted criminal (the Great Eastern Bank fraud job) instead of a resourceful Chinese detective!

All turns out well, however. Father Liu's jail sentence is commuted to a "slap-on-the-wrist" probationary period and his son "Johnny" gets to be a NYC Councilmember!

Now the 1930s Hollywood movie code would have never allowed that kind of an ending to a story.

But this is Flushing in the 20th-21st Century, where the "backers" ( Stavisky, the Democratic Clubhouse & Co.) control the production!

Anonymous said...

I understand that this movie was supposed to premiere at the "Triboro Theater"on Steinway Street in Astoria.....but it was torn down in 1974.

The "Triboro" was designed by renown theater architect Thomas Lamb who also did the Keith's Flushing theater!

Queens borough hall (Donald Manes) denied support of landmarking efforts to save the "Triboro".

That's two for one.....Q. Boro Hall....what a bargain! You should be proud of your record....you pigs!

Anonymous said...

In the remake, the characters do no acting of the parts. They are the actual criminals in this "you are there" documentary.

Trouble is, these people do not want you there. Put your wallet in the sack and get out!

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha ...this made me smile.
What a masterpiece.
MORE !!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Everyone is finally finding out that by far the biggest crook on this poster is Councilman Dennis Gallagher aka Pinky. How did this disgraceful miscreant ever get elected? Among other things he sold pornography from a Catholic High School, shamefully harassed female staff members, and when detectives wiretapped his phone they heard him conspiring to corrupt the Department of Buildings.

Now he is waging an illegal war against a civic association. He should be on a poster for a horror movie. Better yet on a wanted poster in the post office.

There’s a lot more but that’s all I can say now. The rest will bring him down soon.

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