Thursday, April 5, 2007

Mudslides at NYT site

Quotes from Brian C. Smith, Project Director of the New York Times Company:

"We're not keeping clean fill near the west side of the facility. We are keeping it away from the wetlands. We're keeping it covered."

"We are following DEC guidelines; DEP guidelines and I just wanted to basically stress that's how we are handling the project. We take the wetlands very seriously. We understand the potential impact to the environment and that's why we are doing it the proper way."

That's why the piles of fill are left uncovered, they are turning to mud, and washing into the marsh.

The NY Times would make Al Gore proud.

Meanwhile, the Queens Chronicle also reports that the Times claims what you see here isn't so:

Expanding Times

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh....things are being covered up all right....but it's not the piles of fill!

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