Thursday, April 12, 2007

More Manhattan landmarks

Does this include the High Line?


Thank God they're recognizing the manufacturing past of Manhattan. In Queens, they're demolishing historic industrial buildings along the waterfront for luxury condos that no one in the borough can afford.

Photo from


Anonymous said...

is that a pink pig outside that store window? can i borrow pinkypiggy to put outside my councilman's office?

Anonymous said...

I didn't know Melinda Katz went window shopping in the Meatpacking District. You'd think she'd stay as far away from a place with the word "meat" in it as possible...

Anonymous said...

Funny how Mahattan always takes the fast track.

Funny how the Queens commissioners on LPC are not only invisible, but given a free pass by the Queens preservation community.

Funny how city-wide preservation organizations that write grants for the 5 boroughs do not share this outrage, or display the slightest desire to remedy it (for exmaple an aggessive public education program in the outer boroughs)

georgetheatheist said...

I could never figure out why they don't landmark and up-scale the Willets Point and Jamaica auto junkyards...Wouldn't you love to dine al fresco amidst the hupcaps? ("Some imported axle-grease on your burger?")...It would be great for "cutting-edge" fashion shoots , and "noir" film-making. Celebrity weddings anyone?

Anonymous said...

George, you are so full of... IDEAS!


georgetheatheist said...

Add to the list - a "hot sheets motel"...I dunno Trixie, Mara Einstein never got back to wanna "mess-around" tomorrow nite?

Anonymous said...

Yes most certainly.

I don't want to mess this up but can I call the Schenk for a ménage à trois?

Please see my ad in the Trib.

verdi said...

Hell....we've got enough meatheads posing as qualified politicians in Queens to have our own historic meatpacking district right here!

Wadda ya think George....should we start with Queens Borough Hall?

georgetheatheist said...

Verdi, it's not a "meatpacking" district but a "meathead district"...I do so much love to live in Kveens, don't you?

verdi said...

O.K. George,....when you're're right.

How about re-naming Q. Boro Hall...."Meathead Mall"?

Actually if you peel off the platform sign on the #7 Queensborough Plaza stop and reveal the older sign underneath, it reads "QVEENSBOROUGH PLAZA" (the Roman 'V" used for a "U").

Ain't that something!

georgetheatheist said...

Hey Crapper...Verdi is a lover of the classics (as am I)...Can we change "Queens Crap" to the more erudite "Qveens Crap"?

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