Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Fort Totten Historic District, part 1

The Willets Farmhouse, built in 1829 as a Greek Revival double house, was owned by the Willets family before the federal government built Fort Totten in Bayside.

Why wasn't this building sealed when LPC designated the district in 1999? How about when Parks took over the site in 2005?

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4


Anonymous said...

Where is the Bayside Historical Society, which we understand gets their space for free and pays for staff?

Does politicians' (correction, taxpayers') money buy silence when it comes to Queens 'preservation' groups?

Perish the thought.

Anonymous said...

Hey, give it a Queensmark.

Anonymous said...

"Why wasn't this building sealed when LPC designated the district in 1999? How about when Parks took over the site in 2005?"

Knowing LPC and the Parks Department, why is QC asking that question? The answer is because both agencies are inept. Especially Parks who has a Commissioner named Adrian Benepe better known as Ineptepe.

Anonymous said...

Isn't there a Queens landmarks commission in eastern Queens?

What the hell is she doing?

We demand she look into this!

Anonymous said...

Both Bloomberg and Benepe are not just inept, but corrupt.

Any failures at Fort Totten are completely under the direction and control of Bloomberg, who not only wants no part of managing these miserably incompetent appointees, but, he wants no part of the responsibility of managing this city.

Anonymous said...

Taxpayer, I'm with you 100%. Bloomberg is now just a cheerleader standing by while his incompetent and corrupt Deputy Mayors and Commissioners run roughshod over the rights of taxpayers. Bloomberg: The Billionaire Bureaucratic Bozo.

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg is like a f_ _ king robot. He guy has zero personality and no heart. Did we really elect him or did his commercials have some sort of hidden hypnotic message in them that made us vote for him? I don't remember why I pulled the lever for him. QC please investigate this for me.

Anonymous said...

Queens doesn't have its own landmarks commission. In fact, every borough should. The "NYC" is already in the title "NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission."

If Benepe, Tierney, & Marshall really had a heart, they would work together and brainstorm methods to preserve this highly endangered 19th century relic. We'll have a better chance of living on Mars before that happens! Oh wait, they left their brains on cloud 9...close enough.

Anonymous said...

"Queens doesn't have its own landmarks commission. In fact, every borough should."

Now now do you really believe that the local clique that is well on the road to ruining this borough would make fine commissioners? (after all they will appoint each other)

Again, take a look at the current LPC commissioners from Queens. No one seems to want to hold them accountable.

Anonymous said...

A separate Borough of Queens Landmarks Commission would be filled with clubhouse political appointees and the do nothing kind of preservationists that we're all used to!

Could you imagine the likes of John Liu or Toby Stavisky or Junior Vallone appointing Queens commissioners?

I'd rather deal with the Devil!

No....hold the NYCLPC to its job of serving all boroughs equally!

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