Friday, February 2, 2007

Queens GOP Dumping Pink Elephant?

This came in from an anonymous source:

"The Queens County Republican Party had their executive board meeting last night. State Senator Serphin Maltese announced that he was stepping down as chair before the expiration of his term in September. He recommended that Vice Chairman Phil Ragusa be appointed by the board in the interim.

After hearing the announcement, Dennis Gallagher turned a brighter shade of pink, stood up and ranted about how he should have been notified about this beforehand since he is the only Republican city councilmember in Queens County; that he was blindsided. When the vote was taken an obviously irate Gallagher abstained along with two others who have not been identified. Ragusa was elected by an overwhelming margin. If Gallagher had known of Maltese’s plan to resign the chairmanship beforehand he could’ve at least tried to lobby for someone close to him to take over. Word has it that Ragusa is not fond of Gallagher.

The timing of Maltese’s decision was surprising but some GOP’ers had predicted the Senator’s resignation after his narrow victory over an unknown Democrat in November. At one point during the election night tallying when it appeared that Maltese had lost the election, many Maltese supporters grew livid after witnessing Gallagher and his attorney smiling from ear to ear.

The underlying rift between Maltese and Gallagher was now split wide open. The once close allies were now adversaries. To make matters worse Maltese was overheard saying that he thought Gallagher had gone off the deep end in his battle with a large and popular civic association and a well-liked local Republican who had contemplated running for office against a Democrat friend of his. One insider said the party was embarrassed by the numerous letters sent by Gallagher cronies to local newspapers attacking neighborhood volunteers while lauding Gallagher. “It was like he was trying to make Queens Republicans look bad,” said a person close to Maltese.

Add in Gallagher’s notorious dealings with Melinda Katz and other unpopular Democrats (the good ones all stay as far away from him as possible), and his close relationship with the Parkside Group, a Dem lobbying firm, and people were starting to wonder which party this guy is really more loyal to. So it’s not surprising that Gallagher was the last to hear of Maltese’s resignation plan.

The fact that Gallagher took money from disgraced Assemblyman Brian McLaughlin is another big reason for the tension.

Speculation is that if the Republicans don't flat out dump Gallagher, he'll bolt to the donkey party anyway. However, he likely won't be welcome there either because of his checkered past. This guy actually sold pornography out of a Catholic high school! As Chairman of the Board of the high school, Maltese took the heat for Gallagher’s lack of morals when Serph’s opponent used it against him in the last election.

With Gallagher’s growing collection of skeletons bulging from his closet, it’s obvious that the Dems aren't too keen on adopting him. His liabilities are insurmountable."

And here we thought the groundhog would have the rudest awakening this month...

Pink elephant from


Anonymous said...

Like most rotten politicians, if you give them enough rope, they will eventually use it. Too bad he didn't use it sooner, the community would have been a lot better off.

Anonymous said...

Well, it looks as though Dennis is getting his. Now what about Eric Gioia, the cousin of the well-liked Republican? He seems to be keeping silent about what Pinky is doing. What the hell kind of person abandons his own blood in order to protect a corrupt colleague?

Anonymous said...

Too bad this well liked Republican is not on the council. He's no sellout (and no, this ISN'T him writing this).

Anonymous said...

This guy Dennis Gallagher is a piece of crap! I called his office three times last year to complain about trucks parked on my street and his office said they would take care of it. Still waiting.

In September I again called him about speeding cars in the neighborhood, one almost hit my daughter coming home from school. No action was ever taken. The problem is actually worse.

How do we get rid of this dirt bag?

Anonymous said...

God bless Serf!

Anonymous said...

It would be a really wise move for the GOP to rid themselves of this albatross. He's been a problem from the beginning. He only cares about himself and not the party.

Anonymous said...

First Brian, then Alan...Now it's time for Dennis Gallagher & Melinda Katz. CONTINUE INVESTIGATING, PLEASE!!!!!!! A rat lurks in Queens!

Anonymous said...

Phil Ragusa comes from my neck-o-the woods. He ain't gonna be much better. This I can honestly say. H-m-m-m-m. Doesn't he originally hail from The Greater Whitestone Taxpayers Assn. ? The problem in Queens is that the Republican Party keeps putting up these "balloon- knots" (assholes) for candidates! I'd like to vote Republican, but show me a good one! So most of us get stuck voting Democrat. There's no real choice.

Anonymous said...

Ah, Dirty-Dennis done in by the king of his own party! It finally happened. I'm going to say a prayer of thanks. Maybe he should have tried harder to save St. Saviour's. Now he needs a personal savior of his own. Don't pity him though.... he'll just go to work for his real estate pals. They've been paying him all along. And with that kind of on the job training , it's a cinch that they'll hire him full time! Hasta la vista Dennis!

Anonymous said...

No more platitudes for "Pinky"! That cheering in the background is from his constituents that are glad to see him screwed for a change. Payback's a Bitch! Isn't it?

Anonymous said...

All this time, Gallagher was using his elfin size for financial gain: being such a small fellow, he easily fit into the pockets of the various corrupt elements - developers, Brian McLaughlin, the porn makers and any other sleaze who needed help from a lowlife.

What's the complete story regarding Katz and Gallagher? You see the one, there's the other. Have they got something going? Are they both members of the same political party?

How innocent is Maltese? He was unaware of what Gallagher was doing to T. Nunziato, a fresh and energetic Republican? Maltese was fully aware, and helped stand in the way of a Republican campaigning in opposition to a Democrat (M. Markey). There was well-known-to-be-corrupt Republican Gallagher, staunchly opposing a fellow Republican from even considering a run against a Democrat! And Maltese watched and did nothing! The pink elf and the ancient elephant have together chipped away at the long-term Republican Party future! Thanks guys! Are you rich enough now?

Anonymous said...

Gallagher is dirty and always has been don't forget he worked for Ognibene when the building department scandal happened did anyone look to see how much money gallagher got in that deal? he and his Dem pals have been paying each other off for years. He cares about his own pockets even if it has to come from his family his brother worked for unions under control of the central labor council.

Anonymous said...

Queens voters better learn not to take the horseshit our poiticos are shoveling in our faces. The only time you can do it is in the voting booth. Don't elect them and don't re-elect them. Remember, you all voted them in by believing their lies. We've all got to make better choices. Start like this: If you don' get what you need from them in their first term dump 'em on their second run for office!

Anonymous said...

Whats up with this Gallagher bashing . This man has worked harder for our community than any other elected official. Sounds like a civic orginization bobble head convention. So called liked republicans should have enough balls to gather petition signitures and run against incumbents. What are you afraid of.As far as the position of chairman Queens County this is temporary. A full vote will come out in September and whoever wins will be supported by rank and file.To all you bobble heads get a life

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! Check out the Gallagher supporter. He/she can't even spell correctly, but that's typical of the dirtbags who hang around him. That's what happens when you drop out of school in the eighth grade.

Anonymous said...

What a moron this Gallagher lover is. The 'well-liked Republican' said he would think about running and that's all it took for Pinky's friends in the Jackass Party to panic and for him to run to their rescue. This blog is great. It lets the rest of the borough know what really goes on so that when these asses run for higher office we can shut them down.

Anonymous said...

Jumping right past the incomprehensible illiterate gibberish from the Pink Elf or one of his own bobble-headed lickspittle lackeys, what did this writer say?

The only way a citizen has the right to even CONSIDER running for elective office against an incumbent is to get permission from petition signers!

The particular citizen in question is a REPUBLICAN, Pinky! He CONSIDERED running against an incumbent DEMOCRAT, Pinky! Then, a REPUBLICAN unaffected by such a race, interfered to save the DEMOCRAT from REPUBLICAN competition, Pinky! Pinky, you were the Republican who interfered in a possible race between a Republican and a Democrat!

Pinky, you were the traitor. You do remember (in your occasional sober moments?) how you prevented a competitive campaign? And, Pinky, you say that you have "worked harder for you community than any other elected official". That would include the DEMOCRAT for whom you ran interference, wouldn't it? Hm? Pinky?

Explain to the community - your constituents - how preventing a competitive campaign is good for the community? Do you think the citizens of this community are too stupid to determine the best candidate? Or, is it your worst fear that the citizens will determine who's good and who needs the boot?

Then explain your illiterate gibberish? Were your finger too drunk to write a coherent letter?

Anonymous said...

Gallagher, plan to never run for elective office anywhere in this state ever again.

You made too many enemies, ruined too many supporters, spoiled too many friendships, and accomplished too little of any lasting value.

Just resign now, and get going!

Anonymous said...

Why are you all picking on NYC Council Member Dennis Gallagher? He has enough to deal with in his pathetic life. Imagine being short, bald, god ugly, a pathological liar and a morally bankrupt deviant all rolled up into one, less-than-human form. That's too much to deal with. Give him a break and lay off!

Anonymous said...

Now you make be feel guilty. Gallagher may be all those things, but he definitely is not god ugly! He IS dog ugly, though. Not the snout; that's usually appealing; the butt.

Anonymous said...

Finally everyone is seeing the true Dennis Gallagher.

Anonymous said...

I love the pink elephant. That's a great shot at Mr. Gallagher, although I guess a cheap one. I must tell you a quick story: A few months ago I saw him in the city council chamber and under the lights he looked like a match head. My friend said to me..."Is that guy from another planet?" I laughed out loud and the council security guard came over and yelled at me. My friend asked the guard the same thing and he laughed too!

It's quite amazing, why is he so pink?

Anonymous said...

Many of his "friends" have told me what the origin of the nickname "Pinky" is. Some tales are mythical, all are hilarious. What you end up discovering is that this poor little man has no friends.

Some of these "friends" are stuck with him for now, needing the money he spends to purchase their company.

But, so many of them simply detest him and are sticking around for the arrival of the sheriff.

Anonymous said...

He’s pink because he's a drunken stumblebum.

Anonymous said...

Inflammatory statements and personal attacks are two of the most common causes of conflict escalation. When people attack other people verbally, those attacked are likely to get especially defensive or angry--much more than they would have had their opponent(s) kept their statements impersonal and focused on the problem. For example, when people are told they, personally, are at fault for a particular situation, or that they are evil, stupid for believing something or advocating a particular action, the person attacked is likely to respond in a very negative way. They are much more likely to dig in their heels and stand firm especially after poking fun at his pinkish hue. Gallagher will then refuse to listen to the other side's arguments or consider making compromises or concessions. Councilman Gallagher will just reject the other side as unreasonable, and ignore anything they have to say.

When situations are exaggerated or emotional, negative statements are made about the opponent for the purpose of arousing support for one's own cause, the result is likely to increase support for both sides. Those making the inflammatory statements will not only increase support for their own side; they are also likely to increase their opponent's support as well, as people who realize that the statements are an unfair exaggeration will side with the party being accused, rather than the accuser. The result will not be a change in the relative support of one's own group (or in one's power relative to the other side), but rather an overall escalation of the conflict, which will make it more difficult for both sides to get what they need.

So in other words, stop the personal name calling of Dennis Gallagher. Stick to the issues of his job performance, which of course has been abysmal. You have more than enough Gallagher created scandals to remove this pig (oops sorry) from office once and for all.

So please stop the personal attacks on this disgusting, vile, amoral, pathetic, and duplicitous and yes, pink-colored swine named Gallagher.

Oh well, I gave it a shot, never mind.

Anonymous said...

No, he's not a pink swine, he's a pink pachyderm!

Anonymous said...

Q: What city councilman hired a stripper, a swinger, and a sadist to work in his office?
A: Stay tuned boys and girls.

Anonymous said...

you all make me sad. As a lifelong resident of Glendale and formerly Ridgewood I know you people, who so love to shoot your mouth off. You would happily vote for Dennis Gallagher all over again rather then vote for the best person for the job who may be a Democrat. You say how you love your community but stay loyal to your party. I am not a Republican, but I ALWAYS vote for the person I feel is the most qualified for the job (Serf this past November), or at least the lesser of the evils. You complain and complain and complain but it is always after the fact. Maybe you should do a little research BEFORE you vote instead of complaining afterwards when it is too late.

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