Saturday, February 10, 2007

Jamaica Plan a Debacle-in-Waiting

The Queens Tribune reports on the proposed Jamaica upzoning:

Major Rezone Plan Rife With Hang-Ups

Let's see...There's eminent domain which will displace residents and businesses, 24-hour shadows, loss of parkland, loss of neighborhood character, loss of parking areas, increase in already heavy traffic and increase in population without pre-planned increases in services or infrastructure.

Aside from these matters, the DCP is confident, based on the results of the DEIS, that the affect of the proposed project will be positive and beneficial to the area. Now they just await the response of community members.

Illustration from DCP via Queens Tribune


Anonymous said...

This development or "revitalization" plan is just a sham to make sure that the "Black folk" stay on their side of the tracks....that's South of Jamaica Avenue! Once again racism rears its ugly head. It's urban renewal and Black removal! As we run out of real estate to develop (exploit) the plan throughout NYC is to displace the poorer classes and create new havens for the wealthy!

Anonymous said...

A few dollops of ice cream money, the politically appointed community board, newspapers dependent on advertising, ah, yes, the community will have a chance to comment.

They will follow a carefully prepared script.

Reminds me of the folks at Queensbridge saying what a swell thing a building that will increase noise and traffic and block the sun (to say nothing that excludes poorer people) is a WONDERFUL thing, or the folks at Dutch Kills suggesting that to save the community they love its best to BULLDOZE it.

Anonymous said...

Can someone ask the folks behind this proposal to ride the E Train into Manhattan and have a 'meaningful dialogue' with the folks on the train explaining why thousands more commuters is an excellent idea?

Anonymous said...

This area is already congested. We should look at development proposals for NE Queens, which seems to always lag behind the rest of the borough on development.

I do not understand this.

That is the area where the many people that work for city planning, boro hall, and in the construction industry live.

They should put this stuff in their backyard first, before subjecting the working class people (western Queens) or the people of color (southern Queens) to these hair-brained schemes.

Anonymous said...

Why were the only consultants who had "help" for the community board from Pratt, a prominent advocate for high density housing? And why is the Department of City Planning so reluctant to help the Jamaica community keep the "affordable" housing units in Jamaica and prevent future developers from
shipping the housing that Jamaica needs so badly to other parts of the city? And why is the community being told that "eminent domain" will only apply to the core are around the LIRR station, when in fact one day a developer could seek "eminent domain" for a school or even large scale housing?

georgetheatheist said...

From the NY Times, Oct. 10, 2006:...IN QUEENS BLACKS ARE NOT THE HAVE-NOTS NO MORE..."the median income among black households, nearing $52,000 a year, has surpassed that of whites in 2005, an analysis of new census data shows...Southeast Queens, especially, had a heavy influx of West Indian folks in the late '80's and early '90's...a large percentage are college really is the best illustration that [emphasis added]'the stereotype of blacks living in dangerous, concentrated, poor, slum, urban neighborhoods is misleading and doesn't predominate'

Anonymous said...

Good point, but the area they are looking to develop is not Springfield Gardens or Queens Village.

Anonymous said...

George, we're not talking in "stereotypes" of "Blacks" living in dangerous areas....or increases in average median income.....or White decrease in the same. Don't get so defensive. We're not attempting to portray Blacks as (you may have implied) being stereotypical powerless old fashioned "Negroes". Read between the lines. What does the Jamaica Development Corp. really have in mind for Jamaica? How close have they worked with the older poorer residents of the area? The the impecable media sources you speak of don't give the full picture. The things that you're liable to read in the Bible ....OR THE NEW YORK TIMES (re: your 2006 quote) .....they ain't necessarily so! The newspapers are playing you (and all of us) like a Stradivarius! Once again, talk to Mr. CarlyleTowrey, head of Jamaica Dev. Corp. (He's as white as snow! Catch my drift?)

georgetheatheist said...

OK. Stop the bulldozers SOUTH of Jamaica Avenue. Let's "Landmark" the historic Club Kalua - where they had/(have?) a "3-pimp present at a time" rule.

Anonymous said...

Wow, after reading the above comments, I am at this very moment perturbed, bemused, saddened, and excited by the views expressed here. First, it is unfortunate, yet so true, that the Jamaica plan is frought with benefits to real estate interests; however, this is often the case when re-zoning is proposed. Nonetheless, no plan should supercede the will of the residents of the community, and good planning should encompass the potential community benefits, and wherever possible seek to level the playing field by correcting deficiencies. Having said this, however, the Jamaica plan is certainly not an example of those goals. Rather, it's very conception is driven by greed and the illusion of inclusion. The so-called not-for profit, Greater Jamaica Development Corp which has thus far, and for many years, manipulated public assets,(i.e. the previously City-owned parking lots, the air train funding, York College, local commercial and private Property owners, Politicians, and even now, most audaciously, Public consent--for its own profit-driven interests. This assault on Jamiaica is often talked about in private circles and conversations, and for over 30 years. All in the name of "Development," and yet this is nothing more than the vestiges of a corrupt Party machinery, previously headed by Donald Manes and up until recently, Tom Manton, deceased head of the Queens Democratic party. To wit, our local politicians in their insular and limited thinking--not at all independent of the Party machinery-- continue to play patsy to the Party Power brokers! They will tell you that they speak for the people, while they privately act on behalf of the money changers, and build "beautiful" edifices in the name of progress! Then come to the People, saying: "behold here is your golden-calf to worship!" May God give us, the People/ Citizens, the strength and the discernment to know a snake oil salesman/men when we see him/her and throw them out of office and take back the power from the Puppet Masters and Grand manipulators! Finally, despite the obvious and covert intention of the proposed planners, we must remain ever vigilant and as denizens of this republic called America, not simply be consumers and critics, but citizens! However dark the moment, we have an opportunity to prevail by "just say no" actively! So, get involve and stay engaged!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

By George it looks like somebody's pissed off the Atheist!

Anonymous said...

George, who said anything about "landmarking" anything? The "L" word was never used. We're talking about intelligent city planning not what's being shoved in everybody's faces. Are you sure that you're not a builder yourself? Your emotions seem to indicate such! If I'm wrong, I appologize.

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