Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Fried Mice

Imagine this scenario:

Someone finds a rodent in their takeout meal from a neighborhood restaurant. The shocked diner calls the press, they do an expose on the restaurant. A councilman from another borough expresses outrage. Not at the possible threat to New Yorkers' health, but in the direction of the reporter who broke the story.

He's even caught on camera cursing at the gentleman:

"Don't cover your (bleep)!" the pink-faced councilman bellowed. "It's a false report!"

"That's ridiculous!" you might be saying. Well, Crappy will give you one guess who that councilmember was (don't let the reference to the pink face throw you - it ain't him).

Of Mice and Councilmen


Anonymous said...

I viewed the YouTube videos and I can't say I'm surprised. The 2 pieces were legitimate journalistic efforts. The woman who made the discovery even made the point that it was not an issue of ethnicity. John Liu...what do you have against FREEDOM OF THE PRESS?

Anonymous said...

I remember seeing John Liu years before he was elected at a "candidates night" in a downtown Flushing church. He was trying to evade a direct question that was put to him by a local citizen. When the questioner persisted, Liu got furious turned red (much darker than pink this time) and lost it. He just has to have his own spoiled bratty way. He can't handle criticism. Quicker than a riverboat gambler, he's always pulling the same old anti- Asian "race card". What else does he do? Damned if I know! I guess he's got to go way out of his district to show off. This is his usual diversionary tactic to make it look like he's busy doing things. How about doing something real for the folks in your district instead of hiding behind your public relations smokescreen C.M. Liu!

Anonymous said...

Say something bad about any chinese business - you're a racist. Get a lab test to back it up - you're a liar. No Asian can do any wrong, and everyone is out to get them. Go Johnny.

Anonymous said...

It was an Asian Newscaster (Kaity Tong) who made the "Fried Mice" comment.

Anonymous said...

Neither Liu , or the Staviskys that support him, like freedom of the press. They prefer their own brand of public relations spin! Well, finding "fried mice" may be easy. Finding "political rats" is more difficult!

Anonymous said...

I saw Liu on CNN a few weeks ago. He was the "Asian expert" in a segment that dealt with operations in Asia that enlarges a woman's eyes and changes their shape. I guess the field of expertise of this phoney baloney councilman keeps growing. What next? Global warming? Maybe if he kept his big mouth shut...

Anonymous said...

Showed up with 200 people, eh? Considering how passive most of Queens is, would love to find out their 'motivation.'

How about

"Johnny and the Liu Crew"

Anonymous said...

Those 200 demostrators were probably rounded up from all over the city. They're not just from his district. The same happened in an incident on election day years back when Chinese voters (out of district) were caught (I don't know how they intended to get away with it) trying to register as residents so they could vote for a Chinese candidate who was running for office in the downtown Flushing area. H-m-m-m, election fraud!

Anonymous said...

If John Liu wants to become the Rev. Al Sharpton for his people, let him resign from office so that he can do it full time. I've got no problems with that.

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