Friday, January 19, 2007

Someone who does have a million dollars...

Johnny has a head start on 2009...

Liu's Million

Two people gave QC a heads up on that one. Great job!


Anonymous said...

I guess people would complain if someone would draw funds heavily from the white community as a white candidate for office. Any chance the he would be judged on the same grounds? Naw.

Another legacy of the machine.

We are multicultural until election day: then the pundits use language on ethnic bloc voting that would make Archie Bunker blush.

Which all just exposes the hollowness of the 'we are the world' talk.'

Anonymous said...

Now you know why these guys aren't fighting for the their neighborhoods anymore.. too busy raising money for higher office (Ok, maybe some of them never fought very hard in the first place).

I wonder if they sit there at night and wonder which higher office they should run for .. maybe the spin a little wheel with slots like ..'state senator' 'assemblyman' or use a magic 8 ball or something.

Anonymous said...

A million dollars from a part time job?

Being friendly to the builders and the machine can be rewarding, no?

Anonymous said...

Its a shame we had to institute term limits. If there was a level playing field in money and news coverage, we should be able to vote a portion of officials out ever year. But that would never happen.

Now with term limits, officials, like the Dutchess of Rodham, are soon gone in route to somewhere else leaving a permanent memorial in their wake - a trail of ugly buildings for every campaign dollar.

Anonymous said...

What do you expect! The Democratic-Dictatorship of Queens, a beautifully run political machine , has hand picked their "Asian- puppet" John Liu , to do their bidding (just what that is remains to be seen). Is he bucking for Congressman Gary Ackerman's spot when that "bloated-windbag" steps down? Ask Gary if he went on "one of those trips to Taiwan" (wasn't it in the early 1980s?)! Did Donald Manes, a community board member, Tommy Huang, a local LDC member etc. also attend, (and for what purpose) as has been rumored? These are areas that require investigation as to what the circumstances were and whether they are fact or fiction! P.S. Wasn't there a man "A.G." that worked for both Ackerman and Manes at different times?

Anonymous said...

Did the "Darkside (excuse me, I mean) Parkside Group" have a hand in getting Mr. Lui his million dollars? Could some of it have come out of the "leftovers" (unused campaign funds) from that vast war chest the Stavisky's have stowed away? H-m-m-m!

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