Thursday, August 8, 2024

The City Of Yes always existed, it just needed a brand

Years before the City of Yes became a thing and an annoying catch phrase, the city already approved rezoning to build higher and denser in Jamaica. Like this block here on Waltham St between 97th and 95th avenues. One block away from the behemoth tower hyperdevelopment on Suthphin Blvd.

This is the little bit of housing NYC Planning, Mayor Adams and Queens Borough President Donovan Richards wants in your neighborhoods and think this make rents trickle down all over the city.

Unfortunately for the rent-burdened and homeless, those trickle down rents will have to wait for this one since it's in a state of suspension. 

Everything about the City Of Yes is a lie that's been told before for the last decade.



Anonymous said...

Politicians are corrupt, no matter if they are Democrat or Republicans. Our corrupt supreme court allows it to happen.

Anonymous said...

We can thank the RebubTards for the corrupt supreme court.

Anonymous said...

A lot of weird buildings there. That should suit the right wing nuts.

GopGeorge said...

Only the Democrats are corrupt. The Republicans only take cash from Patriotic corporations, oil companies and AIPAC.

Anonymous said...

What the hell does the Supreme Court have to do with it?

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