Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Mayor Adams appoints another person with no firefighting experience to be FDNY commissioner


NY Post

Security firm CEO Robert Tucker will be named the next commissioner of the FDNY on Monday, sources told The Post Sunday night.

Tucker, who leads security giant T&M as CEO and chairman, is expected to get the nod from Mayor Eric Adams to replace Laura Kavanagh after she stepped down earlier this month amid multiple controversies and tension with the department over her leadership.

Tucker, who was widely seen as a top contender for the job, also sits on the board of the FDNY Foundation and has long circled the FDNY during his career dating back decades, though he has never served as a firefighter. 

He once described himself as a “fire buff” dating back to his childhood. 

“When I was a young boy growing up in Manhattan, I was a fire buff,” Tucker said, according to a FDNY Foundation spotlight. “I used to chase fire engines on my bicycle. I had the opportunity to meet Commissioner [Joseph] Spinnato and I told him about my interest in the Department.”

Spinnato served as commissioner for the department for some of the 1980s.

As a teenager, he worked in the FDNY’s Manhattan Communications Office, which he called the “best job offer I would ever receive.”

A graduate of George Washington University and Pace University School of Law, Tucker worked as a special assistant to the Queens District Attorney’s Office for years before he joined T&M in 1999, according to the member spotlight.

The security firm has been in business since 1981 and focuses on providing integrated security, cyber, intelligence and investigative solutions, according to its website.

 No one will ever be worse than Lithium-ion Laura but appointing a guy who's basically an FDNY groupie doesn't bode well for this town either. Tucker is the second guy who ran a security corporation Mayor Adams hired to lead a department. The other one being Phil Banks, although Adams made up a deputy mayor position and an office of public safety for him that which makes him a defacto police commissioner of the NYPD


Anonymous said...

Sometimes its better to get an outsider to clean up the corruption.

Anonymous said...

But as long as he's a white man and goes along with the old boy network, he will be accepted, and it will be business as usual. Maybe he'll even participate in one of the chili cook-offs to show he's one of the boys.

Anonymous said...

And of course they will never hire from within the department because the communists want "change" within the department.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he'll rescue some old ladies cat who got stuck in a tree.

Anonymous said...

Hiring from "within the department" is as communist as it gets. And those firefighters are socialists too.