Friday, August 2, 2024

Caption Eric Adams 

How did E get to alone?...


Anonymous said...

Yea, I know. I get my cash from AIPAC, but I still gotta pretend to put NYC before Israel.

Anonymous said...

I'm officially a Democrat, but behind the scenes, I'm a Trumpanzee.

Anonymous said...

"You elect the government you deserve"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

#TDS is real...sad

Anonymous said...

Those of us with jobs who pay taxes are the suckers who will be left holding the bag...

Anonymous said...

I thought she was Indian too.

Anonymous said...

If you fail in this administration, you get promoted.

Anonymous said...

You know what is weird ? Dems that like men dancing for kids dressed as women.

Anonymous said...

I got the message. Kamala is Wonder Woman!

Anonymous said...

Where is Beyonce these days?

Anonymous said...

I bet his ex-wives are kicking themselves for letting him get away.

Anonymous said...

Fascists are just plain Weird!

Anonymous said...

Rudy Giuliani?