Thursday, April 21, 2022

Fatal Attraction


Cuomigula said...

Banging the dart-blower "handyman"... Not too bright there, blondie

Anonymous said...

Too bad there is no death penalty anymore in this pathetic state.

Anonymous said...

Is that Gino? I always pictured him as being older.

Anonymous said...

Crime in NY is horrible !
So many people I know are moving to Florida. I'm worried that it might sink.

Anonymous said...

Lock Him Up ! Forever...

Anonymous said...

Play with fire - get burned!

Anonymous said...

Cucked European American husband
Dead cheating wife
Jailed brown ninja

People are playing games with their lives. Shit is funny to people

Disgusted and Angry Citizen said...

I knew it. An illegal alien from Mexico. Was probably shaking her down for money and had a drug problem. They're vicious towards the Gringas.

If ICE was not stopped from enforcing the laws Gaal, would not have been murdered in the basement of her home.

Reminds me of Adrienne Shelly's murder committed by an illegal alien, Diego Pillco. At the age of 19, Pillco had domestic violence convictions back home in Ecuador. He was so brazen he attempted to make the crime look like a suicide. Only thing, money was missing from Adrienne's wallet. She was murdered in her own home, too, by an illegal alien. Adrienne's mistake was to make a request of him to lower the noise.

These are both reasons to bring back the death penalty.

Anonymous said...

Surely, if she had a stinger missile and surrounded the house with land mines, she'd be alive now.
Thank God I live in a red state.

Ned said...

Newspaper in the UK says the killer is from Mexico, then Guatemala, then fled here illegally near 20 years.
Not a peep of this in the USA papers or news

This woman also made "trips" to o Guatemala, It appears she had a thing for Bushmen and animals. Her choice in men caught up with her.
Poor husband was just a wealthy sucker bill player, a warning to older single men who think importing a young trophy overseas bride is a good idea.

I think woman could very well been a piece of garbage just like her lover.
Its no wonder the people at the bar had no good comments


Anonymous said...

Sure enough the killer was in this country illegally and a wanted person to boot.
ICE wanted him for years but NYCs Sanctuary policy protected him instead.
The mayors office, NYPD and Associated Press tried to gag such speech but Fox news just said FU !!!
This sanctuary city shit and protecting criminals of color has to STOP !!

panzer65 said...

Is he getting deported , yes! Will other non taxpaying criminals? Hopefully!

Anonymous said...

Another example of the Lame Stream playing on emotion and fearmongering rather than address what's actually going on. Illegal Immigration and a open borders promoted by the Dems !

georgetheatheist said...

Shoulda hid the key under the lawn dwarf.

Anonymous said...

"So many people I know are moving to Florida. I'm worried that it might sink."

You mean, "So many assholes are moving to Florida. As if there isn't enough there already."

Prove me wrong ...

Anonymous said...

@"Newspaper in the UK says the killer is from Mexico, then Guatemala, then fled here illegally near 20 years.
Not a peep of this in the USA papers or news"

So it's not fake news when it comes from an English tabloid. What did the National Enquirer, Q-Anon and aliens from outer space say about this crime, Ned ?

Is "N" for Ned or is it for Nincompoop ? In your case, it's the latter.

Disgruntled Citizen said...

This Mexican illegal alien would harass the women workers at Starbucks in Forest Hills. He's a married father of two, wife and children are estranged from him. They ran away from him, because he's a great guy? No, they were scared of him and sick of his games.
He's telling the world, he had an affair with the woman he killed. Why would anyone believe what a lowlife murderer says?
I feel for the family of his victim, not him.
I hope the Gaal Family can use NYC for not deporting the killer.

Julie B. said...

@Anonomymou 3, this is not stranger on stranger crime. This crime could have occurred in anytown USA

Disgruntled Citizen said...

Correction-I hope her family will SUE NYC for blocking the murderers deportation for 20 years. There is no evidence that the victim was having an affair with him. Only the word of a deranged killer.

Ned said...

"So many assholes are moving to Florida"

I know several people moving to Florida and the all have the same 5 things in common.
1-Dont own a home and cant pay the rent
2-No real job
3-Alcohoalisn, drugs (or both)
4-They are white and 2nd gen or more born in NYC.
5-Have no or little money

I been to Florida, With exception of the very rich on that inter coastal way I found I to many old people that drive bad, and problem people.
Worst is anything decent is in a gated Nazi HOA and Co-Op committees where you pay smug waspy golfers,lawyers and doctors to dictate you cant DO NOTHIN. Everything fun is against the HOA and Co-Op rules.
Its the same shit, only the assholes are different


Anonymous said...

Is he getting deported ?

To late for that.
No, he's being protected, housed, fed, pro bono lawyers, 3 meals a day, dental & medical on our dollar for the next 50 years.
Bastard Chia Pet is going to cost taxpayers over 10 million dollars !