Thursday, August 18, 2016

Day 3 of protests and still no electeds

Screenshot of NY1 website

Hundreds of Maspeth residents have been showing up every night at the Holiday Inn Express to protest against the mayor's plan to dump 220 homeless adults into their community. Noticeably absent are Elizabeth Crowley, Joe Addabbo and Marge Markey, the elected officials who represent the area. Their lack of attendance is one of the biggest topics mentioned every night. You really need to wonder what they are thinking by not showing up to support their constituents.


Anonymous said...

Nobody has seen Assemblywoman Margaret Markey since this issue came up. I'm a resident of Maspeth, lived here for 32 years and attend civic meetings regularly for about 10 years. I can honestly say I've never seen the assemblywoman in person or even heard her speak. I hope my neighbors in Maspeth are paying attention. I've seen Mr. Addabbo and Council person Crowley they both attended the large meeting in Maspeth last week although I must say Ms. Crowley seemed uncomfortable and unprepared. I also attended all three protests this week and have not seen any of them. Maspeth deserves better representation.

Anonymous said...

Why would they attend? These protesters are not eager to have a conversation. All they want to do is yell and call names. It's like dealing with a bunch of children. Look at the videos. Does this look like a well adjusted group of adults?

Maspeth Strong said...

I guess you've never been to a protest led by an elected official? They LOVE to ham it up, especially if there are cameras around. They should be leading the chants, not hiding in their offices.

Anonymous said...

Elected officials are supposed to be LEADING the protests, not simply attending.

Anonymous said...

These protesters are not eager to have a conversation. All they want to do is yell and call names.

Now why is that?
Why is it that hit article is written about a blogger who had the audacity to speak up?
Why is it that you are blaming the people as being childish?

There should be no conversation, the elected officials should lead by example and represent the people who elected them!

Comprende shill?

Anonymous said...

"Why would they attend? These protesters are not eager to have a conversation. All they want to do is yell and call names. It's like dealing with a bunch of children. Look at the videos. Does this look like a well adjusted group of adults?"... I see we have a Crowley troll on the site today. Tell your boss to stop chasing Pokeman and start earning her recently raised salary. She should fight for her constituents and stop swallowing what ever the Party tells her to swallow.

Anonymous said...

May I make a suggestion to the regular QC commenters? Go to the NY1 site and leave a comment to help 'enlighten' some of their followers. Spread the word, share the 'love'.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Forget your politicians, they are the problem. This is bigger than a Maspeth problem it is a City problem. The shelter system is irreparably broken. The shelter system does not help the homeless or the Citizens of NYC. After years of pissing away our tax dollars the only one who has benefited is the Homeless Industrial Complex. The collusion between the City agencies and the homeless 'non profits' is obvious to anyone who looks at the leadership of these 'non profits'. All of the few 'non profits' who receive these no bid contracts are chocked full of ex-political types, from Deputy Mayors to City Council Presidents to the Governor's sister. All of these people have learned to feast on the fattened calf that is our tax dollars. Not one major media outlet has looked into the theft of our tax dollars. Ask them about it when they interview you trying to get their NIMBY sound bite for their piece.

Anonymous said...

My family and I will be there tonight. We are rallying people on oir block too. Everyone needs to do the same.

Anonymous said...

Nobody has seen Assemblywoman Margaret Markey since this issue came up. I'm a resident of Maspeth, lived here for 32 years and attend civic meetings regularly for about 10 years. I can honestly say I've never seen the assemblywoman in person or even heard her speak. I hope my neighbors in Maspeth are paying attention. I've seen Mr. Addabbo and Council person Crowley they both attended the large meeting in Maspeth last week although I must say Ms. Crowley seemed uncomfortable and unprepared. I also attended all three protests this week and have not seen any of them. Maspeth deserves better representation.

Anonymous said...

Vote ALL of them out. Send DeBlasio back to Cuba, Markey to the retirement home for corrupt pols, Addabbo to the wallflower club, and return Crowley to the backseat of her car where she served most of Brooklyn, NY. What a crew!

Ned said...

Why are these people outside some hotel and not this double agent, double crossing, dumb ass bitch office ? (where they should be)
Of course the pol assholes won't show up because they are afraid of "visual" bad press and news people snooping around. Go outside Crowleys home of office (public sidewalk) so the news can take pics with her name/office sign in the backround.
--Make a lot of noise, these 'soft" protests are not HARD enough to be taken seriously !! It shows weakness & manipulation --THE WRONG MESSAGE !
What are people afraid of, upsetting Crowley, getting arrested for a $75 nusence ticket ?
Join together and do like the colored people do, perhaps Maspeth is not ready to fight with the intensity it will take to stop this "destroy the neighborhood" so HUD devolopers can buy cheap.

Nothing new here--Its called "block busting" and "white flight" and was very popular tool in the late 60s early 70's after Kennedy/Johnson immigration act. As said here on Queens Crap last year somebody calculated the mayor would need needs land the size of Maspeth to house his 200,000 sec 8 people.

Maspeth would be the best choice for this, because the aging white people are trusting, easly fooled by people like Crowley and wont bring to much resistance.
These folks better wake up, fight harder including pooling some $$ to hire a professional law firm and investigators. If not they are gonna be screwed royally.


Anonymous said...

What the hell are colored people?

>> Ned said...
>> do like the colored people do

Anonymous said...

We will not get attention until we interupt the function of the
city. Blocking the roadways and highways are used and tolerated by other groups. Just a thought!

Ned said...

""What the hell are colored people""

Dam hipsters don’t know nothing these days.
Colored refers to sub-Saharan African ancestry Many who’s behavior and civil disobedience made African-American Civil Rights Movement gain a huge amount of ground in a very short time-frame.
Take the Greensboro 4 for example, those guys found ways to give the then Mississippi governor Ross Barnett & Mayor George Wallace a tsunami of media attention, headache. An quagmire of angry, ballsy, hornets nest of civil disobedience so big and wide the politicians had no choice but back off and pipe down !!

I figured the left wing New York City schools would at least teach this stuff (I guess not, perhaps they city is afraid kids may learn something)
Study the hardball gutsy tactics of colored people when combating dirty corrupt politicians. Do it quick especially when they hide because its usually behind closed doors the dirtiest “under the radar” sucker punch shots will be drafted. They usually send one of their own to "keep an eye on you" sounds like this Crowley woman is that double agent pidgin.
If all of the above is in check WATCH YOUR ASS AND BACK !!!


Anonymous said...

Ned, the left wing teachers (NYC and elsewhere) have raised the current crop of students to say 'people of color. Before that the PC term was Black. Next year it will be something different. We all know what you meant. Descriptive terms of people or things is generally frowned upon (blackboard is now a chalk board) unless you are talking about white people. I quess you didn't get the PC memo.

Anonymous said...

BTW: George Wallace was Governor of Alabama, not a Mayor.

Anonymous said...

I would like to know where the 250 homeless people from cb5 are.. Are they in the pam am , astoria , lic .. I don't think so ... banks plays to the media that's the shelter is for our neighbors.. I bet the homeless from the area are not even placed in queens..the same owner of 4 or 5 brand new hotels that are newly built all of a sudden changes them into shelters? There is something else going on here.. something doesn't smell right..

(sarc) said...

All these protests will provide you with greater lip service from the political class.

The politicians will tell you stories that you want to hear and do whatever they want!


" doth protest too much, methinks"...

JQ LLC said...

"This is bigger than a Maspeth problem it is a City problem. The shelter system is irreparably broken. The shelter system does not help the homeless or the Citizens of NYC. After years of pissing away our tax dollars the only one who has benefited is the Homeless Industrial Complex. The collusion between the City agencies and the homeless 'non profits' is obvious to anyone who looks at the leadership of these 'non profits'. All of the few 'non profits' who receive these no bid contracts are chocked full of ex-political types, from Deputy Mayors to City Council Presidents to the Governor's sister. All of these people have learned to feast on the fattened calf that is our tax dollars. Not one major media outlet has looked into the theft of our tax dollars"

that is the crux of it. People are being used as chattle and product. Including the citizenry. Like the neoconservatives of the 90's and 00's profiting off of disasters and wars, keeping the machine thriving with the revolving door of elected office and the private sector of defense and security the neoliberals of today are doing the same damn thing with the destitute, lower and middle class status with a similar one involving charity and real estate. They are all scheming greedy sociopaths and have to get out. And clearly new laws have to written to prevent future profiteering off of misery capitalism.

Anonymous said...

By declaring a "homeless emergency" deBlas has given himself free reign to hand over millions to greedy landlords and the connected non profits. Does not matter that there are no kitchens, does not matter these shelters are crime ridden, rat infested and unsafe. It's an emergency.

Unknown said...

Please consider extending compassion and empathy to the homeless. They are Americans too. Maspeth is one of many communities where shelters are being contemplated - we as Americans should seek to help our fellow countrymen, not descend into vitriol or stereotype.

Anonymous said...

The problem is not that we don't want to be nice, it's that we don't want to be dumped on. We want to do the right thing but the city won't. It should be obvious by now.

Anonymous said...

Unknown,I agree with you,my junkie homeless niece,all by her choice of course needs help because she refuses to work and loves those drugs so I'm wondering,can you send me ten thousand dollars of your hard earned money so I can help this kid and if you have any white guilt or white privilege make it 20 grand and I promise to get her the best help your money can buy,
If your just a blow hard liberal who likes spending other people's money then I already know what your response will be,Thank You.

petervchoymd said...

My Name is Peter V Choy MD for 20 years I practice medicine in these comunity . These is one of the finest comunity in Queens
Full of Hard Working people The best of Queens , Maspeth is a great comunity and don't need a hotel full of homeless

(sarc) said...

Hey Unknown,

It is my job to provide sarcastic wit and prose...

Anonymous said...

Hey (sarc), your position is safe. I think this Unknown shithead was serious.

JQ LLC said...

(sarc) is poetry. You don't have to agree.

Coming from a green/libertarian.

Anonymous said...

A dump is a dump.
Maspeth is a dump, where ALL electeds can take their craps with impunity.
Try pulling this kind of shit in northeast Queens.
There would be hell to pay. Vallone would be strung up,by his balls at the Douglaston RR station.

Anonymous said...

OK you got me,the sarc did go over my head,lol

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