Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Katz says no to de Blasio zoning plans

From DNA Info:

Borough President Melinda Katz has joined the growing list of borough presidents opposed to Mayor Bill de Blasio's affordable housing zoning proposals — citing issues with senior housing and prior neighborhood-specific zoning throughout Queens.

Katz is the third borough president to come out against the plan, following Manhattan's Gale Brewer and the Bronx's Ruben Diaz.

Katz said the uniqueness of the city's neighborhoods "requires far more nuanced and strategically planned rezonings instead of a wholesale ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach."

More than 40 neighborhoods in Queens have already been rezoned over the last decade, she added.


Anonymous said...

Hooray for Katz! The Mayor is going to destroy the City with his plan.

Anonymous said...

She'll go back on her word, just wait and see.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe "She'll go back on her word" she wants to be mayor and this could be seen as a feather in her cap...

Anonymous said...

That's odd. She knows something and she won't tell us what it is. Something stinks here.

Anonymous said...

She is making her move on de Blasio. She will go against other ideas and proposed policies of the boy mayor and within a year and one half she will be in position to challenge him in the dem mayoral primary.

By then Billy boy will be a mortally wounded politician with most of the city disapproving of him and Katz will be packing her possessions for the move to Gracie Mansion.

Anonymous said...

What a haggard looking whore she is looking like.
Hah! The courtesan (prostitute) of the building industry is just going through the motions.
She will retire as a REBNY lobbyist.

Anonymous said...

The Boy Mayor.... :-)

Anonymous said...

Yes. Katz will take up where DeBlasio left off and the developers can pay her instead. She's no dummy. She knows how to line her pockets, too.

Anonymous said...


I don't believe "She'll go back on her word" she wants to be mayor and this could be seen as a feather in her cap...

- and -

That's odd. She knows something and she won't tell us what it is. Something stinks here.

- and -

She is making her move on de Blasio.

Beep Katz could be doing this. Even though she was once a lobbyist for a firm that did real estate lobbying, she did stand up to corruption (when her back was up against the wall) on the Queens Library. So, when pressured, Beep Katz will do what is right (even if it is just for "looks"). That being said, even if she is doing this for the "looks" of it, she will still be on the right side of the people, even if it is for the wrong reason, which is more than we can say about de Blasio. If Beep Katz does run for mayor in 2017, she will have done right, at least nominally, by all the voters in Queens, which is more than we can say about de Blasio, by comparison. Katz would certainly appeal to the White votes that de Blasio flushed down the toilette. Could Been Katz come from behind and trade in Queens Borough Hall for City Hall ?

Stay tuned ....

Anonymous said...

I don't believe her either, but calling her disgusting names is useless.

Anonymous said...

I thought she looked pretty good in that picture.

Anonymous said...

They will make some minor adjustment to the plan and then everyone will be rejoicing about how great it is, and how it benefits us and our vibrant and diverse city. They are going to ram this thing through just like all the other stupid ideas this administration has come up with.

Anonymous said...

does this mean that white American citizens will be given section 8 vouchers?

Anonymous said...

She's definitely making a move to become the next mayor but it won't be successful. You'll be seeing her at the welfare office in LIC picking up a voucher...

Camel bladder said...

Hey, she may be a whore, I don't know, but she isn't haggard looking. I think she is kind of hot, in a very liberal/ socialist kind of way. If I were not married I might consider throwing her the bone if the opportunity arose, but then I remember that that would be the same place that mumble mouth Kurtis Sliwa had been and I sort of gag.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What a skanky looking slut!
This shopworn hussy, who has been bending over for REBNY for years, has now found religion?
Don't make me laugh 'till I pee my pants.

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of uninformed idiots you are. She will never approve this plan. You just don't know what the hell you're talking about. The only reason you're not called out on it is you're in an echo chamber.

And making fun of her looks and calling her a whore just reflects your middle school mindset.


Anonymous said...

She doesn't have to approve this plan. She already put her 2 cents in and now the City Council can mess with it until they have something they think their constituents won't kill them over, and they will vote yes.

Seriously, learn how government works.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the poster didn't mean approve in the formal sense but support, since yes, she already denied it.

She denies a plan that no one here would support and these idiots still criticize her and say "she'll go back on her word"

You can't fix stupid.

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