Thursday, October 1, 2015

Group seeks to preserve burnt Elmhurst historic house

Greg Carriero via Facebook
From the Queens Ledger:

“Our goal is to save the oldest surviving farmhouse in Elmhurst and the most historically significant, and possibly move it to a park or empty lot,” she said. “Newtown was one of the first communities in Queens, and this home is well known by locals and is the subject of historical Elmhurst tours.”

Ideally, Giampino would like to see the home restored and revitalized as Elmhurst’s first house museum and cultural and historical institution.

“This would be a great way to get the community’s youth and all ages involved,” she said. “It is extremely important to show our beginnings and how far we have come as one of the most multiculturally diverse neighborhoods in the U.S.”

On September 21, the Newtown Civic Association coordinated a public meeting, sparking the interest of local volunteers. Over the past few years, the civic attempted to preserve the early 20th century Andrew Carnegie library on Broadway, but now a new library is rising in its place.

Anyone get in touch with Karl McNamara?


Anonymous said...

Zillow says this house was built in 1920!

If you never heard of this before it was on fire you should let it go. These groups that complain over every site with made up significance-'This was the site of the first outhouse in Queens where the doors swung inward!!!!'-just decreases any chance they will be heard when a real issue comes up!

(sarc) said...

Sounds great.

They can put it right next to Saint Saviors...

Anonymous said...

It's too late. The wrecking ball is on its way. Should have started fight years ago.

Anonymous said...

Such a good idea... beautiful house! I hope you can save it!!

Anonymous said...

What was the result of the FDNY investigation? Was there any investigation by the insurance company for any type of fraud?

Middle Villager said...

Good luck with that. 30 something years ago we tried to save a 1719 house in Middle Village that was still occupied. It is now a 12 unit condo courtesy of the same builder whose work graces the banner of this blog.

Anonymous said...

We start the fight but are lied to routinely, have bad info in media and poor coverage, and when we reach out to the citywide groups, they, who are dependent on city funding (read your councilman's vote) will do little but send you on a fool's errand: 'talk to your councilman.'

Now THERE is a useful piece of your valuable time that gets wasted.

The problem that the rest of the city is just waking up to, is that all of NY is now being treated like Queens. To late for the current system which is already falling down.

Lesson learned for its replacement: The future will include everybody for if somebody is missing, in the long run, nobody will get anywhere.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zillow says this house was built in 1920!

If you never heard of this before it was on fire you should let it go. These groups that complain over every site with made up significance-'This was the site of the first outhouse in Queens where the doors swung inward!!!!'-just decreases any chance they will be heard when a real issue comes up

Wow didn't know Zillow was an official historically correct analyst of our neighborhoods history!?? Didn't know that early Victorian houses were made in the 1920's either?? How about you get off your ass and stop watching tv and stop accepting what the media and or real estate websites gives you to be the only truth.

Anonymous said...

1920? Huh? This is 1870s at least.

Anonymous said...

The future will include everybody for if somebody is missing, in the long run, nobody will get anywhere.

What meaningless new age gobbledygook that's not even true either. Which did you major in, women's studies or music therapy?

Anonymous said...

In this builders' borough, history gets destroyed not preserved.
Melinda Katz gives great lip service, but she's owned by developers!
Just check her campaign contributions online, when she ran for city council
and later for borough president.
Donal Mane s once said, "Queens has nothing but land , and I intend to develop it"!
So, there you go. Nothing has changed . Borough hall is still builders' shall.

Anonymous said...

If that over stretches your brain, just read the first sentence and ponder.

Anonymous said...

What is Katz role here? Be specific.

Manes has been dead for 30 years.

Oh, and 'women's studies or music therapy?' Hysterical! Today's basket weaving.

Anonymous said...

Manes's play book outlives him.
Shulman followed it.
Katz is the current quarterback carrying his ball....or balls....LOL!
What is Katz's role here?
I'm not your college professor.
Look up her campaign contributions for yourself you lazy slob.
A Queens borough president's role always has been....always will easily facilitated development for developers.
If you think that Katz represents you, you need to open up your eyes wider.

Anonymous said...

Astoria's indifference to the Steinway Mansion could learn a few lesson from Elmhurst... and just about anywhere else in NYC .. where there is a shred of respect and pride for one's community.

Anonymous said...

Eliminate the position of Boro president. They do not represent the people who vote for them.

Anonymous said...

"Manes's playbook outlives him ..."

Didn't think you'd be able to answer the question.

Instead you just showed that you're a dick.

Can anyone else say what the borough president's role is regarding this house? I'm not aware of one.

Anonymous said...

Man, I wish I lived in Manhattan or Brooklyn, where developers don't have so much pull.

Anonymous said...

The guys a lazy slob for asking what role the BP has in a buildings permit? Nice work, jerk. And yeah, manes is DEAD. Asshat.

Anonymous said...

This house is just amazing. I have gotten to go inside before, and it truly mirrors the past. I do think that this project is a wonderful idea and I'm willing to help out any way I can. It's projects like these that require faith and hope, because we can make this happen, we just need to work together.

Anonymous said...

Let me know how to sign on to save it.

Anonymous said...

If I'm a "dick" I think I just boinked you in the Artie!
I guess you're a Katz suck up....a real estate industry shill.....
or someone who desires a tumble with ol' alley Katz.
Damned if I know why anyone would.

Anonymous said...

We're all still waiting on the answer as to what katzs role is here, asshat. You ever gonna answer?

Queens Crapper said...

The fact that you feel it necessary to ask what a borough president's role is in historic preservation of the borough she represents is exactly what is wrong here.

Anonymous said...

Soon after the fire I walked past this house. The old woman, possibly the current owner who sold out to Chinese (the enemy of the American people) developers, was franticly cleaning. When asked about the house she screamed, "this private property, get off!"

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