Friday, April 3, 2015

Pre-K taking up already-used school space

From the Times Ledger:

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s call for universal, full-day pre-kindergarten demands 17,000 new seats citywide by fall, which is causing some head butting with Queens communities, where the greatest portion of new seats is needed.

The mayor’s office has cited studies in its push for “Universal Pre-K for All,” showing that students enrolled in full-day pre-K are better prepared for kindergarten, and score better in math, language and reading.

But to make room for so many new full-day seats, the city is reaching beyond just those new pre-K programs that apply. The DOE selected three public schools in Queens to house new pre-K programs: PS 58 School of Heroes in Maspeth; Winchester PS 18 in Queens Village; and PS 100 Glen Morris in South Ozone Park.

The city has also planned temporary pre-kindergarten classes at five public schools in District 30, which covers Long Island City, Jackson Heights and Astoria as plans develop for a new stand-alone pre-K center to house those seats in later years.

The DOE has been reluctant to describe these locations as “co-locations,” for which an approval process is required, because the pre-K classes don’t really change the use of the public school buildings.

But some of the buildings might be giving up classroom or administrative space to be outfitted for the use of 4-year-old kids. The state-mandated PEP process for instances when two or more schools share a building requires applicants to inform the district community about the plans, gather public input and to gain approval from the Panel for Educational Policy. It’s about a six-month process.

District 30 CEC President Jeffrey Guyton said mayoral priorities have pushed the pre-K expansion on families without any community input, and he cited the bypassing of co-location requirements as a good example.


Anonymous said...

NY needs more kids
I could only afford 2 kids 30 years ago,how are people paying their bills theses days,kid are not Cheep!!
Today I have 2 cats and they are not cheep,I'm glad everyone is doing well..

Anonymous said...

Double decker seats??
Plus breakfast, lunch and dinner

Anonymous said...

If we would deport like we should be, we would have plenty of room. For every one illegal woman, she has 3 kids!! I see them all on the seven walking , one in a carriage and another one in the womb!! It really is out of hand and then when their anchor babies get to 18, they will be seeking financial aid because their parents can't afford to pay for them! Their parents are already all over the WIC offices complaining that they can't afford their anchors so just wait until the financial aid comes. The same illegals on the unemployment line today are the probably some of the same people who were given amnesty back in 1986. They should do a "where are they now"? Show that shows what those people given amnesty in 1986 are doing now!

G.M.N said...

Schooling in New York is not a place to educate people of the real knowledge of the universe like the hard sciences. Its more of a form of social engineering to have everyone hold hands and get along so that they can work in a controlled society.

And you better believe they have to start earlier and earlier with our children to brainwash them into more kissy poo, everybody hold hands values.

The Flushing Phantom said...

Overpopulation, in general, is taking up too much space.

Why are we overpopulated?
Because we build to increase occupation.

Why do the developers keep on building?
To reap their profits?

How do they get away with over saturating nabes that cannot handle the increase?
By greasing crooked pols with campaign contributions.

It doesn't look like there's much hope for change.
Or is there?

Learn to separate the wheat from the chaff. Bury the crooks and elect candidates that will truly represent your interests.

It's your nabe and your ass. Don't let either be violated!

Anonymous said...

Reading in pre-K? Most 12-year-old in NYC still can not read unless they have educated parents that give a shit!

NYC public school just promotes to get rid of them, regardless of which year they are really working at! It's a travesty.

NYC sucks!

Anonymous said...

I could only afford 2 kids 30 years ago,how are people paying their bills theses days,kid are not Cheep!!

In this city? welfare/foodstamps/housing vouchers

Anonymous said...

End The Federal Reserve

That is all

Missing Foundation said...

I think we are starting to see a pattern with this council and administration.

It sort of reminds me of the political equivalent to the financial foundation in place during the last economic meltdown.

No attention to common sense.

Just frantic stupid shit while the city, not Applebee or Disney crap that the city has been building since the millennium, but the real city starves around them.

Anonymous said...

Complain all you want
Not a dam thing you can do
Surrender and raise the white flag..

Anonymous said...

"universal, full-day pre-kindergarten'

Translation: Free baby sitting service.

When is this shit gonna stop with this sick mayor ?
These illegals from south the border have 3, 4, 5, 6 kids and continue till their uterus falls out. Why is the mayor rewarding and encouraging them to have more ? Our own kids wont be able to get an education, schools are on the way to 100 per classroom and teachers will need an armed guard in the rear of the room. Taxes are going to go through the roof !!

Anonymous said...

When his term is over and his wife goes back to liking the ladies.

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