Friday, April 3, 2015

Nolan opposed to megatower

From LIC Post:

“The extreme height of this building would be out of character with the neighborhood and not supported by the present infrastructure,” she said in a statement.

“I am concerned that as the Long Island City community continues to grow, the demand for basic transportation needs, health facilities and classroom seats are not keeping up with demand. This proposed development will add another 925 units and possibly, by conservative estimates another 1500-2000 people.

Our community cannot take another big development without dramatic improvements to the current infrastructure in transportation, health facilities and schools. I am calling on the MTA to rethink this deal because the quality of life for our community and Queens Transit riders will be seriously diminished.”

UPDATE: However, with the MTA deal, the 70 story building conforms with New York City zoning regulations and the developer is able to build it as-of-right. The MTA claims that the matter Nolan is concerned about deals with zoning.

Hmmm, do you think that maybe...just maybe...these pols are starting to wake the F up? Lately they seem to be talking about things like strain on infrastructure after years of sitting back and waiting to smile at the cameras with shovels in their hands. Let's make sure this continues.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't even get on the seven train last night because once again they had signal problems and so did the n, q, r lines!! Those trains were soooo packed it was ridiculous and this was at 730 pm (toward the end of "rush hour")! I don't even think there is any such thing as rush hour anymore because every time of day the trains and roads are crowded as anything!

Anonymous said...

It will end up at 55 stories. The FAA will not permit anything taller in Querns, especially so close to LaGuardia Airport

Anonymous said...

Nolan hasn't done squat for years, and now she's upset? She can sit on that tower and enjoy the ride.

Anonymous said...

“The extreme height of this building would be out of character with the neighborhood and not supported by the present infrastructure,” she said in a statement.

Does this men she would support it if the "Infrastructure" were upgraded?

Anonymous said...

She , like all other politicians, will support anything that gets them campaign $$$$$&$&&&& for re-election.

Anonymous said...

Crappy, every thing is timing in politics.

They knew about this years ago.

By pandering to the public, they want to get their cake and eat it too. Lobbists are paid big bucks by your donations to come up with strategies like this.

Since they have all but destroyed any real civic culture out there you are not going to get any organized resistance to this from the community as the people did with Manhattan Westway or Moses' brainstorms.

Naw, the fun is just starting. I would like to get a photo of the moment your politician realizes that they have been in over their collective heads for decades.

Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

Nolan is the very reason why political leadership continues to be false, fake and failed. In fact, the political scene is now a corporatized model that rewards monstrous failure, patronage, cronyism, nepotism and intense incompetence---with impunity---and the taxpaying public be eternally damned! This is not democracy, ladies and gentlemen of Queens---it's Neo-fascism, and always has been---and woe to anyone who challenges their private, publicly funded country club that all designated constituents are now considered to be uninvited gatecrashers! Therefore, it's time for public unrest, revolt and resistance, that is long overdue. What an ugly city and state into which New York has been voluntarily ambushed by greedy and corrupt politicians and developers of epic fail!

Anonymous said...

Does this men she would support it if the "Infrastructure" were upgraded?

BINGO! Always gotta watch 'em when they leave out an 'innocent' point!

Can we see them agreeing to a building completed in 2020 with an infrastructure support 'promised' to be in place by 2040?

Don't believe me? Well step right up sonny 'cause I got some 2nd Ave Rail Stock for you right here!

Next question.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't even get on the seven train last night because once again they had signal problems and so did the n, q, r lines!! Those trains were soooo packed it was ridiculous and this was at 730 pm (toward the end of "rush hour")! I don't even think there is any such thing as rush hour anymore because every time of day the trains and roads are crowded as anything!

Be sure to thank the Vallones, your elected officials, and that community board, my God don't leave out that community board, the next time you see them!

Anonymous said...

It will end up as tall as the developers want. Who really keeps track of the crap that's being built?!

Anonymous said...

Re: signal problems.

The MTA decided in the late 90's to reinvent the wheel, and demand a completely new signal system just for themselves instead of a Commercial off the Shelf system (that the likes of Alstom, Siemens, Bombardier, etc) had years of R&D and operational service in Europe and Japan. Thus the teething problems on the L line and the delays on renewing all lines going forward.

Run more M trains until then. There is also the possibility of using the middle track just northeast of Queens Plaza to short turning some E trains in the morning.

Anonymous said...

Those signal problems are often caused by finicky computerized signal systems that replaced the older dependable ones.

Changes in weather temperatures quickly interfere with the high strung engineering of this digital circuitry.

Of course, half of China boards the # 7 at Main Street so the trains get crammed beyond capacity before it gets to Jackson Heights. Too many people and not enough reliable infrastructure.

Anonymous said...

Get the Vaseline jar, and get ready to take this up the ass!
It's a done deal!

Anonymous said...

"Out of character"?
This is the new character of the area!
Complaints will get nobody anywhere now.
It is far too late for Dutch Kills. It's been killed.
Bury it along with any regrets.

Anonymous said...

Nolan: the slumlord's best friend is crying about a construction project?

Crocodile tears. Can only mean that she didn't get a cut of the action.

The scum who Nolan employs in her office hates all tenants and didn't get any pay off either. This time.

Anonymous said...

A real increase in infrastructure would be a new underground trunk subway in Queens - which will never happen.

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