Thursday, April 2, 2015

Build It Back bungled

From the Daily News:

Consultants raked in at least $17 million while victims of Hurricane Sandy waited for help from the city’s bungled Build it Back program, according to an audit released Tuesday by City Controller Scott Stringer.

The program, which was designed to help storm-ravaged homeowners, was a “case study in dysfunction,” Stringer said during a press conference in Rockaway, where residents are still struggling to recover more than two years after the floods and fires.

Stringer said subcontractors were paid for flawed and incomplete work while frustrated applicants had to submit duplicate paperwork.


Anonymous said...

Nobody is surprised anymore. NY is the most corrupt state in America.

Anonymous said...

"I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."

Anonymous said...

Remember your representatives who failed you come the next election.

JQ said...

You know what got built on the rubble and devastation left by Sandy, this:

Maybe that's why all the incompetence. Probably to get these people to give up and move so they could develop affordable luxury homes.

Anonymous said...

If you could go to a Build it Back site you would see only blacks from outside the hurricane affected areas working as Application Coordinators. Working is not the right word. Hanging out, glad handing, smoking, doing drugs, drinking and eating huge amounts of take out food. Why not? they are getting paid to literally do NOTHING ALL DAY.

That's hundreds of thousands of dollars of the taxpayers money going down the drain.

Oh, but you can't walk in even if you are the press. something strange about that right there. they don't want anyone to see that they are doing NO WORK ALL DAY LONG. ten hours a day, 48 hours a week.

Manpower Temp Agency will only hire white people for a week or two so Manpower can fire them, hire someone else and bill for yet another new hire commission. The joke is on you, taxpayer, as a phony background check is done. The people processing your Build it Back Application who have access to all your personal sensitive information have questionable histories and are involved with gangs and drug dealing. some of which they are doing at the Build it Back sites.
Next lets talk about the rip off of building materials from the program.....

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