Sunday, April 5, 2015

Brooklyn gets opulence, Queens gets crap


Anonymous said...

Schulman and the democratic party learned from the Nazis that looting their constiturys was like taking candy from a baby
Clair will be guarding the Gates of Hell when her time comes and charging a Fee to get in!!!

Jerry Rotondi, Comm. To Save Keith's Inc. said...

One of our members of the Committee to Save the RKO Keith's Theatre of Flushing Inc. had secured a sympathetic buyer for the theatre back in the late 1980s. At that particular moment, Tommy Huang was interested in selling the Keith's.

A check for 14 million dollars would have been written. As I was told, Huang suddenly asked for 19 million. The deal fell through at the last minute.

That buyer would have kept the theatre and possibly built above it. Flushing would have had a world class attraction.

That is my answer to CB7's Chuck Apelian when he bombastically told those who were in attendance at the public hearing ...that there was nobody ready to write a check to buy the Keith's... and that the current plan to build condos is the best deal we could get.

Indeed, at this point, this is our best deal.

But I ask you readers, is Mr. Apelian the best deal we can get to serve on CB7?

I apologize for my frankness and interrupting Mr. Apelian in an effort to correct him at the hearing....RE that nobody was ready to write a check.

I was indeed out of order, but so was the community board who could have supported a better outcome , over the long years, for the Keith's if they were really so interested.

The real truth is...nobody bucks borough hall if they want to remain on the board...and Queens borough hall has a long history of anti preservation bias.

Ironically....there were more landmark designations under Donald Manes (called "the borough's bulldozer") than there was under Claire Shulman.
Isn't that a kick in the head.

Anonymous said...

Clare Shulman could have supported seizing the Keith's for non payment of taxes just as the city did with the King's theater in Brooklyn. She didn't. That was twice she screwed the Keith's.

I guess that Tommy Huang had the book on that pair of crooks...Manes and Shulman. Shulman would not dare to move against Tommy "the terrible"!

And that shady old bag is still raking in her loot.

Anonymous said...

Yep, shady Shulman could have pushed to go for eminent domain to take the Keith's as she did for Willets Point.

She must have been on the take. Huang was buying politicians by the dozen back then, Democrat and Republican alike. There was even a rumor circulating that he owned a couple of judges and had a back door into city hall. Was There a hostile takeover of Flushing?

Who knows? Racist gossip has a way of becoming fact after awhile. The buying of politicians has been the American way since our founding as a nation.

Welcome to the new entrepreneurs!

Anonymous said...

Get a gander at baggy old Shulman. She looks like somebody just wiped their ass with her face.

I wonder if she smells as bad as she looks.
How about a tag team wrestling match with Toby Stavisky and Claire Shulman?

Anonymous said...

Former Bronx borough president, Fernando Ferrer, saw to it that their magnificent Paradise theater was restored. It's a NYC landmark.

In Jersey City, known for its corrupt governments, they saved their opulent Loew's Jersey theater.

Instead of "the world's borough" , Queens' slogan should be "dump your crap here"!

Anonymous said...

Is Flushing really multicultural or really mono cultural?
It seems that Taiwanese-Chinese make up the bulk of the downtown hub.

The last time I checked out the CB7 area's ethnic breakdown, it was approximately, 41% Asian.

So, where is the diversity?

Anonymous said...

Forget it Jake. It's Chinatown.

Anonymous said...

I believe that Shulman's maiden name was Wagner.
The Germanic Wagner?

Anonymous said...

Ask the Queens Preservation Council, or the OFFICIAL Boro Historian that is jammed down our throats, or Queens Historical Society that is our OFFICIAL Historical Society about this.

The 50th Anniversary Anniversary Celebration in Queens: find a historic picture and lets have 4th graders do an essay.

Yea. Sure.

Anonymous said...

With the Keith's gone, we lost a major tourist attraction. A performing arts center of that opulence would have put the downtown hub on the tourist list. Wadda we got now...dragon boat races?
The US Open is the only tourist draw. Then the patrons scoot back to their homes. Can you blame them? What has Flooshing to offer?
PhuleezePuleeze....I 'm tired of hearing about our "wonderful" restaurants. You can get the same and better in Manhattan. After dinner, there is great architecture to walk about in Manhattan. Flushing offers cheap shoddy ersatz "attractions".

Anonymous said...

Have faith, folks.
The newly resurrected Flushing Chamber (pot) of Commerce will save us.

Christopher X said...

"You are out of order. You are out of order".
I was there.

Those were Chuck Apelian's words to Jerry Rotondi.
Jerry has put in an enormous amount of time and money advocating for the Keith's.

What has "follow the buck" Chuck done for the Keith's.

Jerry was out of order, technically. The public speaking portion of the CB7 hearing was over.

Jerry shouted back at Chuck
, "That's what liberty is all about".

Civil disobedience is the bane of democracy.
There is a time for misbehaving when the lies foisted upon us by government need to be exposed.

Bravo, citizen!

Anonymous said...

When this last episode of the Keith's long running saga is finally over, let's all go piss on Donald Manes' grave. Sorry, no mercy, no quarter given. Roast in Hell Donald!

The Flushing Phantom said...

If one picture is worth a thousand words, those two pictures are worth a million!
No matter what excuses community bored seven tries to make, Brooklyn rocks and Queens sucks!
That's the bottom line. Markowitz saved the King's. Shulman scuttled the Keith's.

RU listening, borough president Katz?
Instead of lighting up the NYS pavilion, why not shine a light on the widespread corruption in Queens.

Oops. Sorry. You might wind up in the spotlight.

Anonymous said...


You really owe us all a "trigger warning" whenever you're about to post Claire Schulman's face.

Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

Am I the only one to suggest similar conservation and preservation for the RKO Keith's in Richmond Hill, located on Hillside Avenue? Admittedly, the interior has already sustained irreparable decades of unconscionable damage, but isn't there something that can be done to partially restore the exterior, and bring back a welcome, local neighborhood movie theater that doesn't look like a massive, corner-cutting Colosseum?

Anonymous said...

We are denied opulence because Queens' voters are corpulent?

Brooklyn was far richer in architecture , while a lot of Queens was still farmland. We really do not have much worth saving. But the Keith's..... that was a tragic loss of a really good business opportunity.

Those asses that crave tourism in Queens didn't merely choke the chicken. They killed the golden goose.

Kill a real attraction and what can you offer in its place to a tourist....the Queens Museum....Theater in The Park....dragon boat races?

C'mon....stop the BS! Nobody is coming to Queens, except to visit their third world cousins.

Anonymous said...

Richard, the Bhukarians will eventually buy it and destroy it like the Trylon Theater. Doesn't a Russian own it now?

I would like to see it restored. But the Richmond Hill Keith's cannot hold a candle to Flushing's!s Keith's. It too will be gone along with Jahn's great old ice cream parlor.

The former Loew's Valencia theater, on Jamaica Avenue, is the borough's showcase. Currently owned by the Tabernacle of Prayer For All People, it is being preserved.

The color scheme may not be original and a few alterations have occurred, but that church is proud of their building.

This is one of the five "wonder theaters" that Loew's had built. They are all still standing.

Anonymous said...

Better get working on the Richmond Hill theater now, before that's gone too. Unbelievable the amount of stupid people in Queens. It's just a total joke that nothing positive can be done.

Anonymous said...

Jahn's is gone. The theater will be gone soon too.

That nabe was allowed to go downhill.
It should have become a historic district. Ask Melinda Katz to submit a request for evaluation to the LPC for consideration.

Maybe she will support landmarking the Richmond Hill Keith's.

It will be a cold day in Hell before she overrides her contributors. Developers come first with "alley" Katz, while history rots.

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