Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Meet the new boss

From the Forum:

Former U.S. Rep. Bob Turner will be named the next chairman of the Queens County Republican Party, according to a published report and several sources.

Turner, a retired television executive and Rockaway resident who won the 2011 special election for the 9th Congressional District seat following Anthony Weiner’s resignation amid his initial sexting scandal, will formally be awarded the post by state Republican chief Ed Cox at a meeting of the QGOP executive committee this Thursday evening in Forest Hills, according to Bart Haggerty, a state GOP committeeman and district leader.

“The war is over,” Haggerty told The Forum on Monday. “This puts an end to the dispute once and for all.”


georgetheatheist said...

Speak softly, Bob, but carry that big stick. Corral the doagies.

Dan I don't care anymore said...

Sad thing is Bob used to be a really great guy and soccer coach. Was successful in business. Then he got into politics and surrounded himself with criminals and rapists.

Anonymous said...

He is a has been.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter who is the GOP Chair. Democrats own Queens lock, stock and barrel. Game over before it began. Have fun filling those BOE jobs, Bob, that's what it's all about.

JQ said...

This guy is a political establishment hack. Is there any fresh blood or innovative thinkers in the GOP?

The republicans continue to slide into irrelevancy with decisions like this. These kinds are one of the reasons why nyc can't be saved.

Anonymous said...

He has the appearance of a bloated crook already.

Troll said...

Queens Republican Party? Is there any such thing?

Of course, I have seen it. I saw it on the same day I saw Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster.

Come back when you have a clue!

Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

That's because he is a bloated, bloviated crook! He's also the quintessential, class A narcissist: arrogant, deceitful, manipulative, greedy, cowardly, passive aggressive, dishonest, dishonorable, disloyal, dysfunctional, derelict, pathological, treasonous, sadistic, deadbeat, hustling, predatory, evil, diabolical and monstrously self serving. Now, anyone who hangs with a reductive viper like Bart Haggerty deserves what they get---because he is all of these descriptives above that describe Turner---and beyond! It's official: there is no honest, ethical leadership (that leads by example) in Queens---or anywhere for that matter, because there is a global crisis in honest, ethical leadership. Therefore, it's official: New York is the Fourth World---and Turner and Haggerty are but two of the reasons why!

Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

Bart Haggerty is a ship in search of an iceberg--and Bob Turner embodies that jagged formation! These two were meant for one another in their quest for exclusionary power and purpose that left was never earned or deserved by these two rabid, social climbing narcissists of epic fail. Yet, they are the only ones left in the room who didn't get the memo! The GOP couldn't be more DOA than a fake corpse waiting for autopsy on Law & Order! In Queens, the GOP's purported leadership is monstrously false, fake and failed, and Bob Turner and Bart Haggerty are pointlessly, yet strenuously clutching onto the defunct and broken political links to an engine that no longer works (if it ever had). Together, they relive the Greek tragedy of Sisyphus---only in this modern day version, the rock that he rolls up to the top of Hades only flattens them both to oblivion on the way down!

Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

Queens County residents have collectively lost so much trust, faith and hope in this borough of Fourth World irrelevance, invisibility and disparity---and entrenched empowered idiots like Bob Turner and Bart Haggerty are merely two of the reasons why. Nevertheless, it's the betrayal of public trust that they continue to represent, that speaks of abject failure in honest, ethical leadership (that leads by example). Therefore, I must conclude that the GOP's hollow representation and nihilism, over decades of private splendor versus public squalor, have now finally reached their useless end---by the same dirty hands of greed, graft and corruption that empowered their rank with impunity from within! Karma finally caught up with these sadistic, hustling deadbeats---where the future always has a peculiar way of arriving unannounced!

A Better NYC said...

From what I've read about this guy, he's been in the private sector his whole life. He's been involved in politics only for a few years.

For now, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt for trying to make a difference.

So "JQ", feel free to contribute to the future of NYC somehow, rather than just sit back and criticize those who are at least trying to make a difference.

"JQ" said...

Re Better:

It seems by placing quotations around my internet pseudonym, that I am not doing enough by acknowledging the malaise involving elected officials and those chosen by their parties to lead and influence them

If I start a superpac will you contribute so I can get off my chair and run for office?

Why target me, and if so sorry.

But in these times, especially when the likes of Dan Halloran candidly admit that corruption is so endemic that even the most honest person has to succumb to bribery, they don't deserve any benefit of the doubt.

As Richard above thoroughly explained.

Anonymous said...

All these things you can say about him may be true, but then, we can pretty much say this about anyone in office.

The point is the Republicans can do nothing to get forward. But they do not have to.

At the rate the Democrats are going off the rails, they people will get so disgusted they will vote for a dog catcher if they are not affiliated with that party.

A Better NYC said...

To "JQ" and "Richard Iritano"...

Can either of you reference one specific, factual instance in which Bob Turner was involved with anything unethical, illegal, etc...?

I am well aware that NYC and NY State officials have the worst reputation. But so far this guy's name hasn't been involved in any wrong doing.

You know what they say...generalize the positive and specify the negative.

I need facts, not opinion.

Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

In response to 'A Better NYC': Amateur Bob Turner may not be guilty of anything specific just yet (politicians need time to hone their graft), he is certainly part of a 'cookie cutter' club that has systemically proven themselves to be entrenched in cover-ups, kickbacks, payoffs, and too many other robber baron crimes of public misconduct to name---until they get caught! And they all eventually get caught, but when they do, it's always we, the sucker punched taxpayer that funds an emergency bailout over decades of recovery (think 1980s S&L fiasco on the federal level), versus how the rank and file have to threaten near revolution in order to demand a few cents more an hour on salaries that have been petrified since Reaganomics! Now, as for your comment that New York City and State government officials have the worst reputation---are you kidding me? They lie, cheat and steal---easier than they breathe! Why, Andrew Cuomo alone has told more lies in short order than Brian Williams, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Bill O'Reilly and the Bush dynasty and Dick Cheney combined---and he's in good, mendacious company! Given the pathological and treasonous record of Queens Republicans (who just can't help themselves from destruction from within the GOP, which is now an acronym for Grandiosity, Opportunism and Pomposity, in their unwavering quest for power and domination that never benefits anyone--least of all themselves), it's no wonder that the thinning herd has just anointed a fledgling sheep like Turner in search of faux political leadership (for his flock of 'sheeple'). And a laughable sidekick like Bart Haggerty in the picture (whose own partner-in-crime brother tried to rip off Michael Bloomberg, and served time in jail for it), is enough to demand a full refund for this political side show of epic fail. So, "JQ" is right on with his comment about former City Councilman Dan Halloran's assessment of entrenched corruption in Queens, that demands compliance from even marginally and ostensibly honest representatives. Therefore, my trust, hope and faith in yet another false, fake and failed operation in the Turner & Haggerty extended roadshow is nil---just like the rampant fraud and systemic failure of Queens GOP leadership itself! Now, was that specific enough for you, 'A Better NYC?'

A Better NYC said...

No, sorry Richard...it's not good enough.

I'm not going to hold him guilty by association.

Again, still looking for just one specific wrong doing he was involved in.

I don't need a laundry list of people you hate.

Just one specific, factual instance. Anything?

Anonymous said...

John Watch will bring the Party back to its old Glory.

Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

Pardon me, JQ, but I never said that I hate anyone in politics---I only take issue with any publicly elected officials who engages in flagrant abuse of public power. Moreover, I didn't offer a laundry list of names as you say, only one name, and it's the governor himself---New York's current sorry excuse for leadership that belies credulity! If you want a good reason from me as to why I don't trust Bob Turner and his cronies, then here it is: When I contacted Turner's office, shortly after he won the special election for the 9th Congressional District, on a matter that involved official city and state misconduct, corruption and cover-up (in which I provided written proof), he and his henchmen gave me brainless stonewalling, lies and dishonest government practices that were beyond reason---and sanity. It was bad enough that Anthony Weiner was my derelict congressman who, for nearly two years continued to ignore my rightful requests for help as a constituent, despite his promise to help and investigate. But, then I had to deal with another equally derelict clown, who more than adequately demonstrated his disloyalty by practicing selective, and occasional representation that is unacceptable and unsatisfactory. Now, you may not think that is not reason enough to distrust someone, but I beg to differ! No politician has the right to ignore any requests for help by a constituent, engage in a dereliction of public duty, betray the oath of office to uphold honesty, integrity and transparency, or practice selective representation that is tantamount to 'taxation without representation.' So, by all means, reserve judgment for now (until I can sadly claim credit for telling you, "I told you so."). But, Turner and Haggerty (former chief of staff to criminal, predatory sociopath, Councilman Eric Ulrich),have already burned their proverbial bridges with me for an eternity. In the end, I'm no longer shocked and amazed at how the people who claim to want to carve their respective careers in the arena of public service, are the least qualified to serve--and they show it with staggering impunity---and the constituents be damned!

A Better NYC said...

Richard, I appreciate you taking the time to respond. I sincerely do.

Like you, I too wish NYC had a bright political future.

However, to include this guy's name in a list of everything that wrong with NYC politics isn't right....or even accurate.

In your earlier post you labeled him as greedy, dishonest, etc...

Pretty strong words to use to describe some without any sound proof.

Again, just looking to gather real facts here.

Anonymous said...

Richard, Have No Fear!!! John Watch is the light at the end of the tunnel. The Rising Rainbow of integrity and joy that will save the community.

Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

JQ, my words are strong because I keep hearing about transparency, and honest, ethical leadership (over an endless span of time), from the same politicians who never stop betraying it! Now, I never said that Turner himself (and only Turner) is the reason why there is no trust in all New York City and State politics, but he's certainly a big part of why the system is broken, because they continue to advocate for their needs and entitlements, instead of the constituency whom they swore to uphold. In fact, as a constituent, I referenced Bob Turner and Anthony Weiner based on personal experiences that I contacted them about, in which they were well informed and wholly aware of my circumstances that led me to them in the first place, and where they unlawfully chose to ignore me. It's called a dereliction of public duty, JQ, and it betrays the public oath of office that all politicians must swear to uphold. Moreover, you asked me to provide specific points of reference, and that's exactly what I've offered you, and everyone else reading this thread on Queens Crap that illustrates failed leadership. Now, Anthony Weiner, Turner and Haggerty are certainly not alone here in the borough of lying thieves, as evidenced by your previous comment that likewise references recently convicted former Councilman Dan Halloran, and his collapsing house of lies, dishonor and disloyalty. But, there are no more excuses that I can bare to listen to (because I am sick to death over systemic abuses in taxation without representation), regarding wasting a constituent's time when there is solid, evidentiary proof that keeps getting willfully rejected by publicly elected politicians, who have the power, jurisdiction and authority to investigate and adjudicate matters that they selectively choose to ignore--often at the perils and disbelief of a constituent like me. Likewise, I have asked Borough President Melinda Katz (and her legal counsel), for help that requires audits of the city and state with regard to the same issues that I presented to Bob Turner, several years earlier, and that was when I personally met with Katz on Tuesday, April 8, 2014 in her own office at Borough Hall. While there, she actually took the time to introduce me to her then partner, Curtis Sliwa, who happened to be by her side in the late afternoon, and I personally handed her an envelope with the evidence that urgently required an investigation. Likewise, I spoke personally with Katz's legal counsel, Alisha Velasquez, and she assured me a personal meeting with the borough president. It never happened. (Continued to Part II in separate post.)

Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

Continued, Part II - Reply to JQ
So, when I speak of any leadership that has failed me, along with the entire borough of Queens, it's because of personal knowledge and experience---not conjecture, hearsay, opinion, perception, speculation, emotion and feeling. As for Bob Turner, if he wasn't greedy and dishonest, then he wouldn't be in the company of likeminded, inclusionary politicians, whose inner engineering landed him the post of Queens Republican Chairman in the first place, and that's because Turner's candidacy was not a position that required any public referendum, so therein lays the disparity! Because the very process by which he was elected has already been tainted by well-known and established political thugs from within, like Barnacle Bart Haggerty, whose own staggering aggressive and entitled presence so far, has been unable be flushed away down a Queens Crap commode. Because like many entrenched hangers on (like ship barnacles themselves), in this borough of muddy waters that keep getting swampier by the minute, he has appointed himself to be a petrified, cradle-to-grave turd of indestructible matter. So, until the laws change that allow for voting citizens of Queens to make these decisions, then nothing has really changed---unless, of course you are Bob Turner and his henchmen. Like all vastly overpaid politicians, the good life for them has always been many pay grades above the needs and stations in life of their purported constituency, where it's a clear and visible case of private splendor, versus public squalor! It's the illusion of progress. In the end, JQ, I am a firm believer in talking truth to power, and NEVER airbrushing reality for personal gain and unjust enrichment---so unlike my feckless representatives, who could easily milk a dead cow! I never take on an argument that is without proper theory and evidence, and I never forget that in this borough of entrenched corruption (like almost everywhere else in this earthly sphere), Life itself is a battle: If you don't enter it armed, then surrender immediately!

Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

In my last two posts, I referred to JQ, when I meant to address comments left by 'A Better NYC.' Please forgive the unintended error, and correctly insert the former with the latter, when reading my replies. Many sincere thanks.

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