Sunday, March 8, 2015

Juvie facility slapped with stop work order

From the Queens Chronicle:

The Department of Buildings has ordered that construction on the controversial juvenile delinquent center in South Ozone Park be stopped, saying the work being done on the facility does not match the plans submitted to the department.

On Feb. 27, the DOB stated that the steel beams, columns and staircases being built at 133-23 127 St. do not appear on the plans the DOB approved.

Workers have been conducting renovations on the site to allow it to house 18 juvenile delinquents as part of “Close to Home,” a state program that seeks to place minors in the criminal justice system near their homes, rather than in prisons upstate or in Rikers.

In addition to the stop-work order, a number of residents have made complaints to the DOB about a lack of safety netting at the construction site.

Multiple complaints on the DOB’s website state that debris has been falling on the sidewalk.

One complaint states that debris was left on the sidewalk. A stop-work order previously had been issued for the lack of fencing or scaffolds, but was later lifted.

The facility is scheduled to open on March 14.


georgetheatheist said...

I want a NYC JD card. To hell with that municipal ID card.

Anonymous said...

de Blasio is not interested in saving small business because taxing them does not bring enough money for his socialistic plans. Instead, big corporations can be taxed, he thinks. NYC city will look like China

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