Saturday, March 7, 2015

Bye, bye, NY Times?

From the Queens Tribune:

The New York Times Company may be looking to buy out its lease on the 500,386 sq. ft. printing facility in College Point, according to sources close to the negotiations.

Prior to the construction of the nationally distributed newspaper’s current headquarters at 620 Eighth Ave. in Manhattan, both corporate and printing operations were housed in its Times Square facility, until 1992, when the Times announced plans to lease the 31-acre property from the New York City Economic Development Corporation.

As part of a 35-year lease agreement, the City and State granted tax incentives, reduced energy costs and other benefits worth a total of $29 million, according to the Times.


Anonymous said...

Have been seeing signage and other indicatiins of those leanings for years.Gonna be fun, what with USPS looking to lose their adjacent facility.

Anonymous said...

Have them reimburse the city for all of their tax breaks, afterall, it was supposed to be a 35 year commitment

Anonymous said...

people still buy the print version? i rarely see anyone reading it on the train anymore

Anonymous said...

Diblasio could build a lot of low income housing on 35 acres.

georgetheatheist said...

I subscribe to the print version. Get it on my doorstep first thing religiously in the AM every AM - just once not delivered because of the recent snow. It's on my lap as I type this. Great relaxing break to get away from the computer screen now and then. I write it off on my taxes too. You ought to try the home delivery of the print Times. (BTW I've already read half the sections of tomorrow's Sunday edition. Have you?)

Anonymous said...

Nobody buys ink on paper anymore. The current and future readership of news is electronic. WTF doe s it cost to buy the traditional Sunday Times anymore? I'm not really sure....have not bought one in a decade. Last time I saw one it was thinner than the old daily editions.

JQ said...

It's pretty outrageous that this so-called liberal publication is going to get away with this. A lot of other small stores,businesses and public services(say,schools,fire and police depts.,housing and health care) could have used this money.

The way money and aid is distributed in this state has become an infinite joke.

No fucking sense of decency.

Alan said...

Anonymous said...
Have them reimburse the city for all of their tax breaks, afterall, it was supposed to be a 35 year commitment
Exactly what I was thinking!

What could be put there? The printing plant started to sink from the get go. I wouldn't put it past the NYC EDC to allow a project with high traffic volume to take over the property. Hasn't College Point, North Flushing, and Whitestone suffered enough???

Anonymous said...

Pompous pompous pompous

georgetheatheist said...

"Nobody buys ink on paper anymore. The current and future readership of news is electronic. WTF doe s it cost to buy the traditional Sunday Times anymore? I'm not really sure....have not bought one in a decade. Last time I saw one it was thinner than the old daily editions."

Sunday Times is 5 bucks. And it's much, much fatter than the daily edition. I just love reading the ads too which you don't get on the electronic version.

Joe said...

Who needs newspaper. My 82 year old parents were buying this recycling pain in the neck rag (and Newsday) for the crossword puzzles, financial and headlines.
I showed mom how to download and print the puzzles. I got them big screen tablets to read online. Since they already are Optonline Cablevisin customers full online viewing is free.

Good riddance to the clutter, tieing up all the paper and recycling headache. The NY Times turned into a PC policed liberal pieces of crap anyway. They started chastising, censoring and "blacklisting" reporters for pieces that contained the words "illegal" and "immigrant" in the same sentence or topic.
Hey, Isn't that what they are ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, CRIMINALS ?
F*ck the New York Times and its America hating PC bullshit


Anonymous said...

It cost $2.5 daily, $5 on Sundays, which adds up to more than $1000 a year. They have cut out from the Sunday edition the Auto section, classified section, TV guide, etc., and emasculated other sections...Their slant is decidedly liberal.

Anonymous said...

The Washington Post is for people who think they run the country.
The NY Times is for people who think they should run the country.
The Boston Globe is for people whose parents ran the country.
The Wall St Journal is for people that do run the country.

georgetheatheist said...

I despise much of the editorial policy of the NY Times BUT it IS the "newspaper of record". You don't read the Times, you're out of the loop. The NY Times is the most important influential newspaper in the world.

Anonymous said...

The Washington Post is for people who think they run the country.
The NY Times is for people who think they should run the country.
The Boston Globe is for people whose parents ran the country.
The Wall St Journal is for people that do run the country.

Props to this blogger.

Anonymous said...

My parakeet loves the NYT in the bottom of his cage.

Anonymous said...

Chinese shopping mall coming soon.

Anonymous said...

I guess they realize that once the Willets West is done, they won't be able to get the delivery trucks on the road from there!

Anonymous said...

Walmart coming soon I hope

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