Thursday, March 5, 2015

10 years in the slammer for Halloran

From the NY Post:

Saying former City Councilman Dan Halloran knowingly perjured himself at trial, a federal judge threw the book at the disgraced politician on Wednesday — sentencing him to 10 years behind bars for masterminding a failed $200,000 bribery scheme to buy the 2013 Republican mayoral line for then-Democratic state Sen. Malcolm Smith.

“For five days, he lied on the stand,” White Plains federal Judge Kenneth Karas said of Halloran. “It was egregious.

“There was overwhelming evidence of his guilt,” added the judge as a stone-faced Halloran took a deep breath and nodded. “I saw him squirm and look uncomfortable on the stand … He lied and lied repeatedly. It was grotesque and offensive.”

The US Probation Department had recommended 6 ½ to 8 years of prison for Halloran, who tried to claim insanity as a defense at trial and is a “prince” in a pagan order that includes public floggings.

But Karas agreed with prosecutors that the Queens Republican deserved a harsher sentence because he “quarterbacked” the bribery scheme and lied under oath. The feds had asked Karas to hand Halloran a sentence of 12 ½ to 15 ½ years behind bars.

From the Daily News:

At that Halloran turned red in the face and put his quivering hand over his mouth.

From the Queens Courier:

“His life, except for this offense, has been good,” Edelstein said. “Obviously there’s a crime here that requires punishment, but all of his character should be considered.”

“He’s very sorry he made these choices. He’s very sorry he ran for City Council in the first place,” he said.


JQ said...

is all you need to know. 10 years is too kind. Anal rape would be too kind.

This lowlife actually might prosper in jail. I can see him paying off corrupt c.o.'s.

Anonymous said...

The ego does bad things to people.
Dan's ego was THIS BIG!!!! A close rival to his big dirty mouth.

It's scary that people that horrible can get elected into public office.

Shame on the voters, they need to step it up and start doing their homework before they blindly vote for "the white guy".

Anonymous said...

It's taking too long to convict these bribe takers. At this rate, it will take more than 100 years to catch the rest of the pols.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately Vallone is no better than Halloran.

Anonymous said...

2006: The Village Voice described Halloran as "America's First Elected Heathen"; another Reconstructionist Neopagan adherent, Jessica Orsini (who is Hellenic), had previously been elected to the city council of Centralia, Missouri in 2006.

Anonymous said...

You know they all do it but its funny how only the eccentrics and people of color seem to be the only ones caught.

Jerry Rotondi said...

I am very sorry I voted for him as my council member. I got duped. I'm only human. All of us who elected him got duped. It is a bad day at black rock that a officer of the court should stoop so low. It looks like justice has prevailed. In a way, I feel sorry for him. The sum of his life might have added up good until now. What a way to total it all up. Now I've got Paul Vallone "representing" me...GROAN! Better luck next time.

Anonymous said...

Halloran didn't invent this style of politics. He's not that bright.

The best practitioners are still in office, collecting kickbacks, commissions, salaries and pensions.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Isn't paul vallone a friend of halloran's?

Why isn't vallone being investigated?

Anonymous said...

Good riddance!

Jerry Rotondi said...

Absolutely...right on the money....there are still plenty of clubhouse rats still stealing cheese ....who learned their trade at the feet of Donald Manes. Claire Shulman is still around. Maybe a few mice still hide out in community boards around Queens.

Anonymous said...

A drunken , crooked womanizer...everything to expect in a pompous self serving pol who thought he was above the law. Then he tries an insanity plea to get him off being convicted. It is Queens voters that are mentally ill here. It must be the airplane noise and jet fuel fallout that makes this borough particulacy dumb.

Anonymous said...

Wait 'til some chubby chaser gets a hold of his fat ass. Burger, bugger, burger. Oooh dat hurts! Will Dan become grand atheling of his cell lock. Maybe he will become the prison pagan chaplain.

Anonymous said...

I will settle for four years for Toby Stavisky sent to prison, two years for Chuck Apelian, three years for Paul Vallone. Did I leave anyone out?

Anonymous said...

Bribery and telling lies under oath for 5 days+ on the stand and 10 years is all he gets ?
He will be out in 2 sporting a ankle lowjack with Lindsay Lohan due to overcrowding!

Anonymous said...

He'll do two in a club Fed and then a judge will release him because he rolled on his political buddies.

Anonymous said...

They don't have hair dye in prison.

Anonymous said...

It's a long list my friends and the whole country is awash in them. If you recall the election that brought Halloran to office the other candidates, which included Paul Vallone in the Democratic primary, were no better.
At least that the voters would know of. Anybody remember or ever heard of his Democrat rival that year. I do! It's the two party system that picks em and sells em to us. Political insiders shuffling money from the git go.

Anonymous said...

If I were his guard I'd leave him a 6foot piece of rope in his cell and let it talk to him.

JQ said...

It's the two party system that picks em and sells em to us

tell me about it...

Anonymous said...

Another Dizzy Lizzy boy toy goes behind bars.

Anonymous said...

I guess he'll have to sell his Jaguar. No need for such a fine automobile in the prison exercise yard.

Anonymous said...

Halloran looks like a cartoon character right out of the Flintstones. The Irish have a lot to live down with Danny boy dragging back the stereotype of a drunken ward healing 19th century wannabe boss.

Pagan Vegan Chicken said...

Check out his role in the P2 AIG scandal1

Anonymous said...

Can someone post a hint as to what lawbreaking Paul Vallone has committed? My organization would be quite interested in that. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Jerry wrote:
I am very sorry I voted for him as my council member. I got duped. I'm only human.

It wasn't your fault, Jerry - the other candidate was Kevin Kim, and he was seen as just Gary Ackerman's hack. And the campaign was pretty dirty. Maybe Kevin Kim would have turned out to be a superb Councilmember - but, at the time, Halloran seemed like the better candidate. We knew he was a flake, but we didn't know he was going to get involved in a bribery scandal.

Anonymous said...

". He’s very sorry he ran for City Council in the first place,” (Halloran) said."

This f-ing guy was handed the great honor of public office but his ego and his megalomania and his greed and his delusions of political grandeur took him straight to lying, cheating, graft, schemes, bribery and going on to become a convicted criminal.

He had broad support from Dems and Repubs. He was a good speaker. All he had to do was be a good Councilman and his record of achievement (via his office, which actually worked) would have paved the way to and likely have gotten him higher office. What a letdown to himself, his constituents and his family's name.

Ya' know what Neidermeyer said:
"Worthless and weak."

Anonymous said...

“His life, except for this offense, has been good,” Edelstein said.

The word "good" does not apply here.

That statement coming from his attorney -- is unbelievable.

Halloran's behavior and conduct during the past several years has been documented. Much of it was covered in the press. Halloran's behavior it appears in both his personal and professional life has been totally unacceptable and unprofessional.

Mr. Edelstein should have done his homework before making such a ridiculous statement. Shame on him.

“Obviously there’s a crime here that requires punishment, but all of his character should be considered.”

If that were the case -- his sentence surely would have been harsher.

What character? Halloran is obviously de-void of character. What was Halloran thinking when taking the stand. Obviously, he wasn't. He looks like and acts like a clown.

Grotesque and offensive says it all!

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